Secret Identities: Tristina Wright Talks About Who She’d Want For a Secret Identity

Secret Identities: Tristina Wright Talks About Who She’d Want For a Secret Identity

Throughout our teen specific lines, we have several books coming out in which characters have a secret identity, including Angie, who is a DJ named Sparo, and Reece, who is a harbinger of death, in Black Bird of the Gallows and Blake, who is the son of Thor in Brenda Drake’s Thunderstruck. With these books in mind, we thought several of our authors would have fun sharing all sorts of posts about secret identities.

Whether you want to know what an author’s fave secret identity is, what secret identity they wish they could claim as their own, something about the secret identities of their characters, or anything else under the secret identity umbrella, you’ll find some fun content in this blog series.

And now, here’s Tristina Wright, the author of 27 Hours:

I’ve always loved Greek mythology. The monsters, the drama, the plot twists, the tangled family trees, the massive pantheon. The stories entwine so many belief structures and impart so much in terms of morality and truths and warnings.

So many warnings.

My secret identity? Medusa. Yes, the gorgon sister who could turn anyone to stone just by meeting their gaze. However, I’m putting a caveat on this. I want to be able to control it. I’ll even allow restrictions like Scott Summers’s sunglasses.

But honestly, ex-boyfriend messes with one of my best friends? Boom, stone. Someone getting a little aggressive while I’m out with friends? Stone. Unwanted catcalls? Stone.

But Tristina, you say, Medusa had her head cut off. Well yes, but what woman with an opinion and a voice isn’t used to men coming for her head anyway?

About 27 Hours (The Nightside Saga, #1):

Rumor Mora fears two things: hellhounds too strong for him to kill, and failure. Jude Welton has two dreams: for humans to stop killing monsters, and for his strange abilities to vanish.

But in no reality should a boy raised to love monsters fall for a boy raised to kill them.

Nyx Llorca keeps two secrets: the moon speaks to her, and she’s in love with Dahlia, her best friend. Braeden Tennant wants two things: to get out from his mother’s shadow, and to unlearn Epsilon’s darkest secret.

They’ll both have to commit treason to find the truth.

During one twenty-seven-hour night, if they can’t stop the war between the colonies and the monsters from becoming a war of extinction, the things they wish for will never come true, and the things they fear will be all that’s left.

Want to read more? Purchase 27 Hours (The Nightside Saga, #1) by Tristina Wright today!


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About Tristina Wright:

Tristina Wright is a blue-haired bisexual with anxiety and opinions. She’s also possibly a mermaid, but no one can get confirmation. She fell in love with science fiction and fantasy at a young age and frequently got caught writing in class instead of paying attention. She enjoys worlds with monsters and kissing and monsters kissing. She married a nerd who can build computers and make the sun shine with his smile. Most days, she can be found drinking coffee from her favorite chipped mug and making up more stories for her wombfruit, who keep life exciting and unpredictable.

Still trying to figure out the mermaid thing.

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