Secret Identities: Melissa Eastlake Talks About Fave Secret Identies from Pop Culture

Secret Identities: Melissa Eastlake Talks About Fave Secret Identies from Pop Culture

Throughout our teen specific lines, we have several books coming out in which characters have a secret identity, including Angie, who is a DJ named Sparo, and Reece, who is a harbinger of death, in Black Bird of the Gallows and Blake, who is the son of Thor in Brenda Drake’s Thunderstruck. With these books in mind, we thought several of our authors would have fun sharing all sorts of posts about secret identities.

Whether you want to know what an author’s fave secret identity is, what secret identity they wish they could claim as their own, something about the secret identities of their characters, or anything else under the secret identity umbrella, you’ll find some fun content in this blog series.

And now, here’s Melissa Eastlake, the author of The Uncrossing:

My grandaddy was Superman. He didn’t just like Superman, or collect Superman memorabilia—he was Superman, and if he ever broke character, I definitely didn’t see it. And, of course, Superman was just a regular guy, most of the time. Who were we to say our grandfather wasn’t his secret identity?

In most things, my grandfather was the very opposite of whimsical, and I don’t really know what it was about that character that he identified with so much. But I think there’s something about watching a character transform from an ordinary person into something super or magical or secret that transforms the audience, too. My favorite characters with secret identities are Loki, popping in and out of disguises across hundreds of myths and stories; the magical girls of Sailor Moon; and, though I’m mostly lukewarm on Batman, I love Catwoman. They’re characters who hide something special under their everyday faces.

About The Uncrossing:

Luke can uncross almost any curse—they unravel themselves for him like no one else. So working for the Kovrovs, one of the families controlling all the magic in New York, is exciting and dangerous, especially when he encounters the first curse he can’t break. And it involves Jeremy, the beloved, sheltered prince of the Kovrov family—the one boy he absolutely shouldn’t be falling for.

Jeremy’s been in love with cocky, talented Luke since they were kids. But from their first kiss, something’s missing. Jeremy’s family keeps generations of deadly secrets, forcing him to choose between love and loyalty. As Luke fights to break the curse, a magical, citywide war starts crackling, and it’s tied to Jeremy.

This might be the one curse Luke can’t uncross. If true love’s kiss fails, what’s left for him and Jeremy?

Want to read more? Get your copy of The Uncrossing by Melissa Eastlake today!


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About Melissa Eastlake:

Melissa Eastlake’s debut novel, The Uncrossing, is coming in 2017 from Entangled Teen. She is a 2017 Lambda Literary Fellow and lives in Athens, Georgia with her partner and their dogs.



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