Inside the Acquisitions Boardroom: Stacy Cantor Abrams on Sara Wolf’s Remember Me Forever One question we get asked frequently as editors is whether or not we’d consider acquiring a book that has already been self-published. Many authors who’ve previously self-published are looking to transition over to traditional publishing, and…
Category: Inside the Acquisition Boardroom
Acquiring a second novel from an author is very different from acquiring his or her debut. Whereas a debut is a blank slate to be molded as it will, a sophomore novel brings with it the expectations of the first and the pressure to do even better. So in many…
In The Reece Malcolm List, Devan keeps a secret list of any information she can gather about her reclusive mother, Reece Malcolm. At the start of the story, all she knows about her mom are five things: 1. She graduated from New York University. 2. She lives in or near…
The reason I acquired Cindi Madsen’s All the Broken Pieces is a secret. I often say I am looking for books that are “high concept,” and a lot of authors tend to pull their hair out trying to determine what that means. The pitch for Cindi’s book caught my eye…
I had the good fortune to be one of the early readers for Lea Nolan’s Conjure. Before I was even halfway through I knew that Liz had found something special in Lea’s writing—an ancient curse, hoodoo (not voodoo!!), sibling rivalry, and best of all, summer love. Lea’s three main characters…
Luminosity (book one of The Raven Chronicles) captivated me from its first lines. These words in particular haunted me: “His eyes turned white, mouth open…gone. Like an oyster shell without any meat inside.” Wow. Talk about impact. Stephanie Thomas’s Dreamcatchers reeled me in—and her Seers and stark world kept me…
Jus Accardo is a Six. Yeah, she has super powers. (If you haven’t yet read Touch, a SIX is a teen with a genetic difference—one that gives them really cool powers like dream-walking, or healing powers, or the ability to change matter into the cool shoes you saw at the…
At Entangled, the editors take our acquisition choices extremely seriously. A lot of time and dedication is put into each book we publish, so we want to make sure the ones we choose have the best possible chances at success. In this monthly feature, scheduled on each book’s release date,…