Category: Inside the Acquisition Boardroom

  There’s a question we ask a lot inside the acquisitions boardroom, and that’s: What is this book’s high concept? In fact, we have entire meetings devoted solely to pinning down exactly the answer to this question. Sometimes those meetings are short. And sometimes they take a long, long time.…

Luminosity (book one of The Raven Chronicles) captivated me from its first lines. These words in particular haunted me: “His eyes turned white, mouth open…gone. Like an oyster shell without any meat inside.” Wow. Talk about impact. Stephanie Thomas’s Dreamcatchers reeled me in—and her Seers and stark world kept me…

At Entangled, the editors take our acquisition choices extremely seriously. A lot of time and dedication is put into each book we publish, so we want to make sure the ones we choose have the best possible chances at success. In this monthly feature, scheduled on each book’s release date,…