Inside the Acquisition Boardroom: Stephanie Thomas’ Luminosity by Editor Kerry Vail

Luminosity (book one of The Raven Chronicles) captivated me from its first lines. These words in particular haunted me: “His eyes turned white, mouth open…gone. Like an oyster shell without any meat inside.” Wow. Talk about impact.

Stephanie Thomas’s Dreamcatchers reeled me in—and her Seers and stark world kept me reading. The Keeper made me shudder, and the bleakness of a world where Seers are taken from their families and raised in the Institution made me yearn to see Beatrice find some sort of happiness and love. With Gabe and/or Echo. One minute, I am pulling for Gabe and Bea, and the next, I want Bea and Echo to fall in love. Arrgh!

So, why Luminosity? What made the manuscript stand out from so many others? For this book, I can credit the author’s voice with hooking me and drawing me into the book immediately. When an author has a dark and edgy voice that is so unique—then complements it with a killer plot and fabulous characters—my editor heart goes pitter-patter (okay, so I drool, too). I read this manuscript straight through as soon as it hit my inbox then dashed off an email asking if the submission was a series. Luminosity is that good. We signed Stephanie to a three-book deal for The Raven Chronicles and haven’t regretted it one second (wait until you read Evanescence!).

Why three books? What makes a great premise suitable for a series? In Luminosity, the dystopian world Stephanie deftly creates is so ripe with potential—we knew that three stories could flourish there. The heroine is strong—Bea is the superlative Seer—and her walk on the edge of this fractured society is compelling. Throw in two handsome guys from very different backgrounds—both of whom want something from Bea—and you have a story to keep you reading. Oh, and toss in the potential end of the world. Yeah.

I am so thrilled to be working on this series—and can’t wait to see who Bea ends up with. No, I don’t even know yet. You’ll have to ask Stephanie. She might tell you.

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