The thrilling Watching You by Shannon Greenland is available next week and you don’t want to miss this suspenseful read that will leave you guessing until the very end. Take a sneak peek inside… ****** Anger clenches through me as I think through it all. None of this makes sense. Reasoning tells…
Tag: Teaser Tuesday

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from By a Charm and a Curse by Jaime Questell, which releases on Tuesday, February 6, 2018! “Hey,” he says, his voice as bright as the new bulbs he just installed in the booth. His shirt has shifted, showing off the line marking his golden tan and the lighter, actual…

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from The Dating Debate by Chris Cannon, which releases on Monday, February 5, 2018! “You’re insane.” “My brother has tried that argument. He always loses. Quick question. Do you you read mostly paper or ebook?” “Do you try to give people conversational whiplash? Or are you incapable of maintaining a…

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger, which released on Monday, January 8, 2018! “Human!” Another voice calls out above all the others. I recognize it. Smooth and lucid, like honey. Deceptively inviting. A voice that takes me back to the sluggish river on Earth and an August…

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Breaking the Ice by NYT bestselling author Julie Cross, which releases on Tuesday, December 26, 2017! I’m leaning over Haley’s shoulder, her big brown eyes staring up at me accusingly. I have a clear view of her notebook. The flowchart, or any of the other projected notes we’ve been reviewing for…

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Wicked Charm by Amber Hart, which releases on Tuesday, January 30, 2018! Though Gran’s land is mostly wet, there’s solidness, too. My eyes trace the long path that cuts the property between Gran and Mr. Cadwell in half. I’m expecting to see nature—the kinds of birds Dad and Mom…

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Guardian of Secrets (Library Jumpers, #2) by Brenda Drake, which releases on Tuesday, February 7, 2017, a.k.a. today! I made my jump into the page. Blackness—dark and cold—surrounded me. I enjoyed jumping through the gateway. I actually looked forward to it now. The chilly air refreshed…