Teaser Tuesday: By a Charm and a Curse by Jaime Questell!

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from By a Charm and a Curse by Jaime Questell, which releases on Tuesday, February 6, 2018!

“Hey,” he says, his voice as bright as the new bulbs he just installed in the booth. His shirt has shifted, showing off the line marking his golden tan and the lighter, actual color of his skin. It takes me longer than I’m proud of to drag my gaze away. “Made a few tweaks, cleaned the thing up. The drawer on the inside was sticking, so I oiled the tracks, but let me know if it gives you trouble, okay?”

I nod, racking my brain for something clever to say, but it seems as though the curse has petrified the witty part of my brain, too. I may spend a little more time than is polite watching his slightly too-small T-shirt move over the muscles in his back as he walks away.

About By a Charm and a Curse:

Le Grand’s Carnival Fantastic isn’t like other traveling circuses. It’s bound by a charm, held together by a centuries-old curse, that protects its members from ever growing older or getting hurt. Emmaline King is drawn to the circus like a moth to a flame…and unwittingly recruited into its folds by a mysterious teen boy whose kiss is as cold as ice.

Forced to travel through Texas as the new Girl in the Box, Emmaline is completely trapped. Breaking the curse seems like her only chance at freedom, but with no curse, there’s no charm, either—dooming everyone who calls the Carnival Fantastic home. Including the boy she’s afraid she’s falling for.

Everything—including his life—could end with just one kiss.

Want to read more? Get your copy of By a Charm and a Curse by Jaime Questell today!


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About Jaime Questell:

Jaime Questell is a writer and graphic designer from Houston, Texas. She has also been a bookseller, a professional knitter, a semi-professional baker, and an administrative assistant. None of these jobs involved wrangling corgis, which is quite sad. She lives in the ‘burbs with her husband, children, and pets.

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