Teaser Tuesday: Abby and the Cute One by Erin Butler

Teaser Tuesday

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Abby and the Cute One by Erin Butler, the last book in the Backstage Pass Series, which is available for pre-order now!

He stood and offered her his hand before he chickened out.

She glanced at it and then up to him, questions in her eyes.

“How do you feel about dancing to music?” he asked.

Abby straightened. “There’s no music.”

“Baby…I’m a pop star. You don’t think I can make music?”

She giggled into the back of her hand.

Proud of himself for actually flirting without messing up, Nathan turned his phone on and scrolled through his music library. He decided on an oldie but a goodie.

Otis Redding’s smooth, beat-perfect voice poured through the speakers as he sang “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay.” Not only were their surroundings perfect for this song, but it also reminded him of what he’d been through to get here. Leaving home, following a dream…it was as if Otis had written the song for him. Now that he knew more about Abby, he might as well have written the song for her, too.

Abby slid her hand into Nathan’s palm, and he pulled her up. After a few awkward moments, they both fell into the rhythm and lull of the music. She laid her head on his shoulder and he pulled her closer, aligning their bodies.

When he reached around her back, his fingertips brushed bare skin. He had to swallow; cotton mouth dried up his throat. With his height advantage and the way she curled into him, Nathan had a perfect view of the back of Abby’s dress and his hand lying against her creamy skin. The exact opposite of the front, the back revealed her shoulders and some of her spine. He’d never seen anything so stunning before—at least, not in person.

She might not have an angel’s feathers, but she was as radiant as one.

He pressed the small of her back toward him, and she shifted forward. She adjusted her head on his shoulder and sang quietly into his ear. A thrill shot through him when he recognized Otis Redding’s lyrics in her voice. Half of him couldn’t believe she actually knew the words to this song.

He closed his eyes and picked up at the chorus. Together, they sang about sitting next to the ocean and watching the waves. With Otis’s beautiful melody, Nathan had no problem picturing him and Abby on a dock, their legs swinging over the water as they peered out over a beautiful blue bay.

When they got to the bridge, Abby stopped singing and pulled away just enough to watch him sing. Her stare roamed all over his face.

He was too into the music to be embarrassed. That was why he loved songs so much— the emotion just a few notes and lyrics could rain down on you…he agreed with Abby wholeheartedly on that point.

Otis singing about being tired and on his own resonated with him the most at this moment. Actually having Abby in his arms made him realize what he’d been missing. Responsibility had torn Nathan into pieces. The longer he sang for Abby, the more those pieces melded together. By the time Otis’s whistling played, Nathan and Abby weren’t dancing anymore—instead, they were frozen in each other’s arms. Hell, Nathan had barely taken a breath. One wrong move and this moment would disappear in a heartbeat. One right move, though…

Nathan swallowed the gigantic lump in his throat and tilted his head. He slanted his mouth over Abby’s and met her soft lips. He kissed her gently, passionately, the only kiss an Otis Redding song would call for.

She melted into him, their bodies instinctively lining up. His heart hammered in his chest as he thanked all the other guys for hooking up with their girlfriends. If they hadn’t, he wouldn’t have been in this exact spot with this exact girl in this exact, wonderful moment.


About Abby and the Cute One:

He’s cute. He’s famous. And he could ruin everything…

Every member of Seconds to Juliet has a girlfriend-except for Nathan Strong. Now the band’s manager is leaning hard on “The Cute One” to play the role of the band’s heartthrob. With the band’s sales in decline, it’s up to Nathan to keep the fans’ fantasy alive.

The plan is to stage a fake relationship and a fake breakup, and then let the fans fight to be the one to mend Nathan’s broken heart. Just one problem. There’s another girl in the picture-one Nathan can’t stay away from. In private, Nathan’s stealing kisses with the band’s new opening act, Abby Curtis.

If they’re caught, no one wins. Abby will be fired, and the band might not recover the success they need to survive. But even with the pressure mounting, Nathan and Abby can’t stop themselves from stealing one more touch, one more kiss. And it’s only a matter of time before it all falls apart.

This Entangled Teen Crush book is as forbidden as the secret romance it contains! It has hot kisses, graphic language, and extreme misbehaving. DO NOT GET CAUGHT WITH THIS BOOK…unless you want everyone to know you believe in true love.

Want to read more? Abby and the Cute One now:

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