Category: Teen

This past Saturday many of our Entangled Teen authors, including Victoria Scott, Erica Cameron, Tristina Wright, Meg Kassel, Diana Rodriguez Wallach, Lisa Brown Roberts, Amber Hart, Tonya Kuper, Lydia Kang, Kelley York, and Rowan Altwood, all participated in the second annual Barnes & Noble B-Fest. B-Fest happened at select Barnes…

Exclusive, Never-Before-Seen Interview Available Only in the Remember Yesterday Paperback! We have the exclusive never-before-seen interview between NY Times bestselling authors and best friends, Pintip Dunn and Brenda Drake in the Remember Yesterday paperback edition. NY Times bestselling author, Brenda Drake, has penned some of our favorite books, including the Library Jumpers series, Fated series on our Crave line, and the upcoming Crave…