Capture The Fantasy: Check Out Some Fan Art for Going Down in Flames!

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Capture The Fantasy this Winter with Entangled TEEN!

Over the next several months, Entangled TEEN has a bunch of brand new fantasy novels releasing on both our print and digital first lines, so we thought that the best way to celebrate these new books was to offer a series of exclusive eBook sales for a short period of time.

From February 29th to March 13th, Going Down in Flames, the first book in the Going Down in Flames Series by Chris Cannon is on sale for $0.99!

Check Out Some Fan Art for Going Down in Flames

In addition to the usual Capture The Fantasy promo materials Chris Cannon gave us for Going Down in Flames‘ sale, she gave us this video made by a teen fan of the series. Check out the art and learn why the illustrator loves this book – and Bryn – so much!

Check out this short, funny teaser from Chris Cannon’s Going Down in Flames:

On the walk to her dorm, Bryn reviewed her day. She’d gotten a knight, a dress, a creepy Prince Charming who wanted to keep her as his mistress, and scary new friends in the forest. What she needed was a damn date for the dance.


About Going Down in Flames (Going Down in Flames, #1):

Finding out on your sixteenth birthday you’re a shape-shifting dragon is tough to swallow. Being hauled off to an elite boarding school is enough to choke on.

Since Bryn is the only crossbreed at the Institute for Excellence, all eyes are on her, but it’s a particular black dragon, Zavien, who catches her attention.

Zavien is tired of the Council’s rules. Segregated clans, being told who to love, and close-minded leaders make freedom of choice almost impossible. The new girl with the striped hair is a breath of fresh air, and with Bryn’s help, they may be able to change the rules.

At the Institute, old grudges, new crushes, and death threats are all part of a normal day for Bryn. She’ll need to learn to control her dragon powers if she wants to make it through her first year at school. But even focusing on staying alive is difficult when you’re falling for someone you can’t have.

Want to Read More? Get a Copy of Going Down in Flames Today:


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