Capture The Fantasy: Nicole Luiken Introduces Readers to Air World


Capture The Fantasy this Winter with Entangled TEEN!

Over the next several months, Entangled TEEN has a bunch of brand new fantasy novels releasing on both our print and digital first lines, so we thought that the best way to celebrate these new books was to offer a series of exclusive eBook sales for a short period of time.

As part of the release of the second book in the Otherselves Series by Nicole Luiken’s Amid Wind & Stone released on March 7, 2016!

Today, we’re excited to have author Nicole Luiken stop by to give us some insight into what the Air World from Amid Wind & Stone would look like in this exclusive storyboard post.

Amid Wind & Stone‘s Air World Storyboard

Amid Wind & Stone has two plotlines.

1) One concerns Air World, a place of airships and Victorian-era steampunk:


2) Lady Audrey Harding is the daughter of Admiral Harding, commander of Donlon’s airship fleet. Although she possesses the family magic talent for Calling the wind, she is expected to behave like a lady and marry well. Audrey is a bit of a tomboy and resents this fiercely:

AirWorld3 (2)

3) One day, while pretending to be a boy and acting as a courier between airships, Audrey encounters a mysterious invisible boy called The Phantom. Only those with the magic talent can see him at all and even then not well. The Phantom steals an important document, but also saves Audrey’s life.

AirWorld3 (1)

4) Later, back in the city state of Donlon perched atop a mountain wreathed in fog, Audrey meets a handsome boy who accepts her hoydenish ways. Who could it be?


Check out this short, swoony teaser from Nicole Luiken’s Amid Wind & Stone:

Audrey unlatched her harness, waited until the last possible moment, then let go. Freefall. For a moment, she felt as light as a feather blown in the wind, as free as an unhooded falcon, and her heart soared, but it was an illusion. She weighed considerably more than a feather. She was falling.


About Amid Wind & Stone (Otherselves, #2):

Behind the mirror lies your otherself…

There is one True World, and then there are the four Mirror Worlds: Fire, Water, Air, and Stone.

Audrey and Dorotea are “ otherselves”—twin copies of each other who live on different Mirror Worlds.

On Air, Audrey has the ability to communicate with wind spirits. As war looms, she’s torn between loyalty to her country and her feelings for a roguish phantom who may be a dangerous spy.

Blackouts and earthquakes threaten the few remaining humans on Stone, who have been forced to live underground. To save her injured sister, Dorotea breaks taboo and releases an imprisoned gargoyle. Brooding, sensitive Jasper makes her wonder if gargoyles are truly traitors, as she’s always been told.

Unbeknownst to them, they both face the same enemy—an evil sorceress bent on shattering all the Mirror Worlds.

Want to Read More? Get a Copy of Amid Wind & Stone (Otherselves, #2)  Today:


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