Tag: Creative HeArts

Finn’s Basic Info: Name: Finn McCain Student ID: 100 237 703 Class: Senior Home Town: Everywhere and nowhere. What Finn Looks Like: Height: 5’11” Hair: Dirty blond hair Eyes: Gray Other Distinguishing Features: Lean, but not scrawny Finn’s Artwork: Rich kid, and all around pain in Willa’s ass. That’s an art form, right? Willa Schofer Interviews Finn McCain Willa Schofer: Okay, so I’ve got…

  Tru’s Basic Info: Name: Truman Dorsey AKA: Tru Student ID: 100 245 281 Class: Senior Home Town: Austin, TX What Tru Looks Like: Hair: Black hair, messy & shaggy Eyes: Brown Face: Chiseled features Other Distinguishing Features: Lean body Tru’s Artwork: Film guy & cameraman Sloane Whitaker Interviews Tru Dorsey Sloane Whitaker: What was the first film that sparked your interest in filmmaking?…

Sloane’s Basic Info: Name: Sloane Whitaker AKA: New York; Graphic Grrl Student ID: 100 190 483 Class: Senior Home Town: New York City, NY What Sloane Looks Like: Hair: Long, dark brown Eyes: Hazel Face: Heart shaped Other Distinguishing Features: Dark brows Sloane’s Artwork: Graphic artist who has a very popular web comic series, called Graphic Grrl Tru Dorsey Interviews…