Swoon Sunday with Ian Thane from Atlantis Reborn by Gloria Craw!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Ian Thane from Atlantis Reborn (Atlantis Rising, #3) by Gloria Craw!

Ian, why don’t you describe yourself for us.

I’m six one, blond hair, eyes…somewhere between green and blue.

Where do you call home?

Sydney, Australia, but I travel a lot.

What kind of music do you listen to? 

I listen to all kinds of stuff…Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Daft Punk. Lately, I’ve been getting into retro bands, like Cake, Nirvana, and Green Day.

Do you have a special skill?

I suppose mind manipulation counts. I can get people to admit their greatest fears and desires. I’m pretty good in Martial Arts too. I train mostly in Muay Thai, which focuses on using elbows and knees, and Silat, which focuses on speed and leverage.

What’s your favourite pastime/hobby?

Surfing. Definitely surfing.

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

It’s sort of hard to narrow all the craziness down to one specific thing. I guess trying to kill the master evil, Sebastian Truss, is pretty high on the crazy meter. I wouldn’t be alive today if Alison hadn’t been there. Fortunately, the two of us make a really good team.

Who is your idol?

I hate to admit this…but probably my Dad. He had to be the Thane clan chief when he was about my age. Everyone thought he was too young for the responsibility, and he proved them wrong. He talks too much, and he thinks he’s right about everything, but when things get complicated, people always look to him to figure it out.

What is your favorite movie of all time?

I’d have to say Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

What is the one thing that no one knows or could never guess about you?

Probably that I like to read. I read all sorts of stuff. It’s not always about surfing for me.

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Both. Can I get a bowl of Coco Puffs too?

Liked this interview with Ian? Now check out a swoony moment about him from Allison’s POV:

My door opened, and Ian stood looking down at me. When he smiled, I lost the ability to speak. I’d seen him in a lot of different clothes. When we sparred, he didn’t wear much at all, but Ian in a tux was my new favorite thing ever. His smile broadened like he was reading my mind.

About Atlantis Reborn (Atlantis Rising, #3):

In a few days, I’ll officially be the Laurel clan chief—but it comes at a heavy cost. My human family, the McKyes, think I’m dead, and the only family I have left is my surly cousin, Theron. Plus the occasional visit from my dead mother.

Gathering the fifteen clans of Atlantis is more tasking than I thought. Thank fate that Ian has my back, otherwise keeping the peace would be a total disaster.I want to give him my heart, too, but without an official likeness, or spontaneous pairing, it’s only wishful thinking. To make matters worse, someone out there has the formula to createhuman-Atlantian hybrids. For a hefty price.

Certain chiefs are so desperate to increase our population that they refuse to see the price might be more than money; it could cost us our souls. If I can’t change their minds,the descendants of Atlantis could disappear forever.

Want to read more? Get your copy of Atlantis Reborn (Atlantis Rising, #3) by Gloria Craw today!


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About Gloria Craw:

Gloria Craw grew up in the desert southwest and attended the University of Utah where she got a degree in anthropology. These days, she lives just outside of Seattle, Washington. She’s married, has four daughters and a very hairy dog.

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