Swoon Sunday: Miles Cleveland from Falling For Forever by Melissa Chambers!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Miles Cleveland from Falling for Forever (Before Forever, #1) by Melissa Chambers!

Miles, why don’t you describe yourself for us.

I’m 5’11, probably 165, dark eyes…I wear glasses. People…and by people, I mean Jenna…tell me 2008 called and wants their jeans back. I just don’t care about clothes. I’m too busy studying or practicing my mash-ups for the talent show. The day I start caring about clothes is the day I need someone to shake my priorities back into order.

What’s your profession?

Well, I’m still in high school, of course, but I want to be in the music business. My dad thinks this is idiotic. He wants me to go to Emory and study regular business…like that’s something I’ve ever expressed interest in. That’s for my brother and him. My mom and I are all about the music.

Where do you call home?

Nashville, TN. Belle Meade to be exact, but please don’t hold that against me. I’m privileged, no doubt about it, but I’m on my own for college next year. Mom and Dad aren’t footing that bill, which is why I’ve got to win that talent show. Twenty-five grand – fifty if you apply it to college. That will get me a long way at Belmont.

What kind of music do you listen to? 

Well, Jenna thinks it’s electronic because when she first met me, I was deejaying at this all ages club and that’s the music I was playing. I do like electronic, but more than that, I like music that can be analyzed and provoke thought like AWOLNATION. I’m also inspired by Pogo’s mashups.

Do you have a special skill?

Yeah. I can bench press around 350. I’m just kidding. But I can roll my tongue. See? Sorry. I hope that wasn’t weird…or gross…or offensive. Oh crap. Sorry.

What’s your biggest regret?

I know I should say leaving the room to go to the bathroom when I was at the auditions for America’s Newest Sensation and missing my shot, but then I may not ever have gotten to know Jenna like I do, or at least we wouldn’t be partnered in Music class. I know this makes no sense, but if you read my story, it will all make perfect sense. Well, a little sense. Some sense?

What’s your darkest secret?

I run a site on the dark web where I sell body parts for…sorry, I can’t even get through that one with a straight face. What, you thought I was going to tell you my darkest secret? Are you nuts?

What’s your favourite dessert/food?

I love my mom’s blueberry muffins. I always have, but I don’t think I really appreciated that she makes them for me, and that she loves to cook and bake things for our family. But I’ve learned recently that all moms don’t do that. I mean, of course they don’t, but it was brought to my attention in a way that made me sort of appreciative and sad. I’m rambling again. Anyway, I love those muffins. And thank you, Mom, for making them…and for making dinner every night…and for those lemon squares with the little globs of cream or whatever on top of them.

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

Maybe a concert at the amphitheatre downtown. The opener would be a band I love, and then the main show would be a pop act that Jenna loves. It feels really good to do things that make her smile, and I’m pretty sure she’d love that.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Star Wars. Will anyone kill me if I say episode three? I know purists hate me for this, because I’m supposed to say four, five and six are the best episodes and one, two, and three are travesties, but I really love episode three where we get to feel the intensity of Darth Vader’s turn to the dark side. Is this too much Star Wars talk?

What is one thing would you refuse to share?

Jenna, of course.

Liked this interview with Miles? Now check out a swoony moment between him and Jenna:

She’s still staring at me. Twisting her upper body back and forth just barely. I’d be so stupid to kiss her, but I’d be even more of an idiot if I let this moment…her and me alone in this apartment…go without doing what I’ve been dying to do for what feels like forever.

About Falling for Forever (Before Forever, #2):

The second Jenna Quigley turns eighteen, she’s headed to L.A. to extend the timer on her fifteen minutes of fame. Too bad her dad made her promise to graduate high school first. Silver lining? Her new school has a serious talent competition with a $25,000 cash prize, which would go a long way in L.A. Jenna’s got plenty of talent—she didn’t almost win America’s Newest Sensation for nothing. But it’ll take everything she’s got to bring down the music nerd with a stick up his butt…no matter how cute he is in those glasses.

Miles Cleveland needs to win that talent contest. When some hot girl stole his audition spot on America’s Newest Sensation, his chance to study music flounced off to New York with her. Now, not only can he win enough money to pay for his education, he can get revenge on that very same girl. He can’t start to question his plan, though…no matter how deep Jenna buries into his heart.

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy of Falling for Forever (Before Forever, #2) by Melissa Chambers today!


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About Melissa Chambers:

Melissa Chambers writes contemporary novels for young, new, and actual adults. A Nashville native, she spends her days working in the music industry and her nights tapping away at her keyboard. While she’s slightly obsessed with alt rock, she leaves the guitar playing to her husband and kid. She never misses a chance to play a tennis match, listen to an audiobook, or eat a bowl of ice cream. (Rocky road, please!) She serves as the president elect for the Music City Romance Writers and is the author of The Summer Before Forever and Falling for Forever (Entangled Teen).


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