Swoon Sunday: Chase Walsh from Erin Fletcher’s Pieces of You and Me!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Chase Walsh from Pieces of You and Me by Erin Fletcher!

Chase, why don’t you describe yourself to us.

When I was a kid I was a scrawny shrimp, but thankfully I grew out of that phase. Now I’m almost six feet tall. I have dark brown hair that’s a little too long in front so it hangs close to my brown eyes. I’m usually wearing flip-flops regardless of the weather…don’t judge me.

What’s your profession?

I’m what I like to call a Part-Time Student. Arriving at Meridian High before third hour is rare. Paying attention while I’m in class is even more rare. After moving around so much for five years, no one really expects me to catch up. I gladly use this excuse to my advantage.

Do you have a special skill?

Drawing is my thing, especially comics. Rylee Dunn and I used to pass a composition notebook back and forth when we were kids. I’d fill it with frame after frame of our adventures, making sure we were always the good guys.

What’s your favourite dessert/food?

Best dessert, hands down, is sopapillas. For a while, my mom, stepfather, and I lived in Texas. Our neighbor was from Mexico, and at least once a week she’d bring them over. The dough was always crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and topped with cinnamon sugar and honey. I ordered sopapillas at restaurants after we left Texas, but they were never that good.

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

The details are kind of fuzzy, but it involved beer, my skateboard, a couple of classmates, and a roof. I still can’t believe one of us didn’t end up in the hospital.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Incognito. It’s based on the graphic novel series Rylee and I grew up loving. It’s got our favorite characters, plenty of action, and endless special effects. Perfect way to escape the real world.

Early bird or night owl?

One hundred percent night owl. I can be an insomniac, so I’ve gotten really good at sneaking out of the house and heading out on my skateboard when I can’t sleep.

And now for an exclusive, swoony excerpt from Rylee Dunn’s perspective about Chase:

Chase Walsh was a good kisser. No, Chase Walsh was a great kisser. I always thought that kissing was kind of weird and random. Two people putting their lips together? Why not two people putting their elbows together? Or their ears together? But Chase was the kind of guy who made kissing make sense. When his lips were on mine, it felt like his breath was the only thing keeping me alive. When his hands were on the back of my neck or sliding up my shirt, I lost track of where he stopped and I began. When we parted, I wanted more, more, more.


About Pieces of You and Me:

Five years.

That’s how long I’ve been gone. Since I left my best friend—the girl I loved—behind.

Five seconds.

That was how long it takes to realize I am completely, utterly, screwed. Because now that I’m back, my childhood crush has turned into so much more.

Rylee has changed. We both have. And now I’m drawn to her in a completely different way. To her smile. Her touch. To reliving old memories and making new ones. To the happiness she’s always given me that I haven’t felt since I left.

But her friends are hell-bent on keeping us apart. My dad is one drink away from destroying both of our lives, and maybe I am, too. It’s only a matter of time before I have to leave again, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I never get a choice.

The one choice I can make? Stay away from Rylee. Because if I don’t, I’ll break her heart—and mine—all over again.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains references to drinking, addiction, and just the right amount of angst. You’ll want to save this tortured hero, while at the same time, not want to change a single thing about him!

Want to read more? Pre-order Pieces of You and Me now:


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