Seize the Moment: Romily Bernard Shares How a Lie Led to Her YA Thriller Career

Seize the Moment: Romily Bernard Shares How a Lie Led to Her YA Thriller Career

Several of the books that we have coming out in October, including Seize Today by Pintip Dunn and Never Apart by Romily Bernard, are about characters who, for one reason or another, realize that they have to live for the moment. We asked our authors about a moment in their own life that made you want to live for the present rather than worry about the future, or about a fave character from a book, tv show, or movie who inspired them to do the same

And now, here’s Romily Bernard, the author of Never Apart:

When I was first asked to blog about seizing the moment, I had no idea what to write. I don’t consider myself shy when comes to going after what I want. It doesn’t take much prompting. Sometimes this leads me to some seriously poor decision—cutting my bangs, I’m looking at you—but other times, it really pays off.

Like when I lied to get my agent. I know. I know. It sounds so tawdry when I say it like that, but it’s basically what I did. When I first spoke with Sarah Davies, she said she was interested in repping more YA thrillers. Then she asked what I wrote, and in a moment of, well…something. I’m just not sure what that something was, I said I wrote YA thrillers.

Then I sat down to do it, and ten months, two re-writes, and countless moments of self-doubt later, I had one.

About Never Apart:

How many times would you die for love?

What if you had to relive the same five days over and over?

And what if at the end of it, your boyfriend is killed…

And you have to watch. Every time.

You don’t know why you’re stuck in this nightmare.

But you do know that these are the rules you now live by:

Wake Up.




Now, the only way to escape this loop is to attempt something crazy. Something dangerous. Something completely unexpected. This time…you’re not going to run.

Combining heart-pounding romance and a thrilling mystery Never Apart is a stunning story you won’t soon forget.

Want to read more? Get your copy of Never Apart by Romily Bernard today!


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About Romily Bernard:

Romily Bernard graduated from Georgia State University with a Literature degree. Since then, she’s worked as a riding instructor, cell phone salesgirl, personal assistant, groom, exercise rider, accounting assistant, and, during a very dark time, customer service rep.

So don’t let anyone tell you a BA degree will keep you unemployed.

Her YA thrillers FIND ME, REMEMBER ME, LIE FOR ME, TRUST ME, and NEVER APART are now available.

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