Swoon Sunday with Alex Locke from The Heartbreak Cure by Amanda Ashby!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Alex Locke from The Heartbreak Cure by Amanda Ashby!

Alex, why don’t you describe yourself to us.

Short hair, two eyes and a nose. And yeah, that’s about it. I don’t tend to look in the mirror much. But if you want more details, just ask Cat Turner – she’s the writer out of the pair of us and has a real way with words. Knowing her she’d say something crazy like my eyes are the color of Lapis and my jaw is rugged. Still, if means she’s been checking me out, then it might not be a bad thing…

Where do you call home?

I wouldn’t say I’ve ever had a home. Growing up with my mom surrounded by junkies and loser boyfriends, the place was more like Chaos Central. Then after she died I lived with my grandmother, Birdie, but that didn’t last long before she had to go into assisted living. So now I’m living in a dump of an apartment above the garage where I work. Still, it helps remind me just how much I need to get the hell out of my hometown, Franklin.

Do you have a special skill?

If you tell a soul, I swear I’ll deny it, but I can ballroom dance. I only learned to keep Birdie and her cronies at the assisted living village happy. Besides, it’s not like anyone will ever see me doing it…

What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?

My biggest dream is to get out of Franklin and go somewhere that I’m labeled as the kid whose mom killed herself and my two kid sisters while driving under the influence. I just want to go somewhere and be normal.

What’s your biggest regret?

The night of the accident my mom had asked me to babysit, but I said no because I was busy. If I’d been home then I could’ve hidden the car keys or least kept the girls from getting in the car.

What’s your darkest secret?

The reason I couldn’t babysit was because I was helping someone rob a house. Yeah, I sold out my family to get a bit of cash.

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

I would go anywhere or do anything as long as Cat was there.

Who is your idol?

My grandmother, Birdie. Despite all the crap that my mom put her through, she’s still smiling. Plus living with her was the only time that I felt like a regular person. Like I was part of something normal.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Die Hard. John McClane because the guy makes it seem like anything is possible.

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

That stuff will kill you. I grew up watching my mom trip out on drugs and alcohol and there’s no way I’m going down that road. So, if drinking green juice and eating healthy is what it takes, then I’m in.

Favourite fictional character?

Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders

Liked this interview with Alex? Then check out a swoony moment between him and Cat:

She closed the space between them, and he let out a soft groan as his mouth found hers. She returned the kiss, and his hand, still holding hers, tightened around her fingers. Normally, he was always coming or going from her life, but now he was perfectly still. With me. Faint stubble rubbed her skin, and his arms slid around her waist, dragging her closer.

About The Heartbreak Cure:

How to get over a heartbreak:

Step one: Eat your body weight in brownies.

Step two: Throw yourself into your dreams of becoming a famous writer.

Step three: Beg your (hottie) ex-neighbor to act as your fake boyfriend.

Step four: Skip step three unless you’re ready for some serious fallout.

After being dumped and humiliated over the summer, Cat Turner does what any sane girl would do. She asks bad boy Alex Locke to be her fake boyfriend and show the world (and her editor at the school newspaper) that she’s fine. Problem is, the more time she spends with Alex, the more she risks getting her heart broken. For real this time.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains a swoony bad boy who will melt your heart, brownies, and witty banter. One, two, or all three might prove addictive…

Want to read more? Pre-order The Heartbreak Cure by Amanda Ashby today!


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About Amanda Ashby:

Amanda Ashby was born in Australia but now lives in New Zealand where she writes romance, young adult and middle grade books. She also works in a library, owns far too many vintage tablecloths and likes to delight her family by constantly rearranging the furniture.

She has a degree in English and Journalism from the University of Queensland and is married with two children. Her debut book was nominated for a Romantic Times Reviewers Choice award, and her first young adult book was listed by the New York Public Libraryʼs Stuff for the Teen Age.  Because she’s mysterious she also writes middle grade books under the name, Catherine Holt and hopes that all this writing won’t interfere with her Netflix schedule.

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