Teaser Tuesday: How (Not) to Fall in Love by Lisa Brown Roberts

Teaser Tuesday

We revealed the cover last week, now how about a peek inside How (Not) to Fall in Love by Lisa Brown Roberts…

Lucas shook his head, his cryptic smile making my heart flutter. “You’re a lousy psychic. Not even close.”

“Food,” I said. “That should’ve been my first guess. You’re always hungry.”

“True, but that’s not what I’m thinking about right now.” He took a step toward me and suddenly this wasn’t a game anymore. “Guess again.” His voice was soft, like a caress reaching out to me even though his hands were in his pockets. “Tell me what I want.”

You want to kiss me. You’re going to kiss me. I see it in your eyes. I wasn’t psychic, but I wasn’t blind, either. Oh. My. God.

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How (not) to Fall in Love by Lisa Brown Roberts


About How (Not) to Fall in Love:

Seventeen-year-old Darcy Covington never had to worry about money or where her next shopping spree was coming from. Even her dog ate gourmet. Then one day, Darcy’s car is repossessed from the parking lot of her elite private school. As her father’s business hit the skids, Dad didn’t just skip town, he bailed on his family.

Fortunately, Darcy’s uncle owns a thrift shop where she can hide out from the world. There’s also Lucas, the wickedly hot fix-it guy she can’t stop crushing on, even if she’s not sure they’ll ever get out of the friend zone.

But it’s here among the colorful characters of her uncle’s world that Darcy begins to see something more in herself…if she has the courage to follow it.

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