Entangled TEEN Sci-Fi Event: Mirror X only 99¢ for a limited time!


If you #NeedMoreSciFi this fall, Entangled TEEN has got you covered!

As you may know, Entangled TEEN has a bunch of exciting new Sci-Fi and Fantasy books coming out between now and early January, so we thought, “What better way to celebrate than by showing off ALL the great Sci-Fi and Fantasy titles Entangled TEEN has to offer!”

With this concept in mind, we decided to put some of our favorite Sci-Fi backlist titles on sale at various points throughout the Fall. We’re thrilled that, as the title of this post suggests, Karri Thompson‘s Mirror X will be on sale for 99¢ from today until Sunday, October 4th.

For those who don’t know, Mirror X is the first book in The Van Winkle Project, which came out in June 30, 2015. We’re a little biased about the quality of this dystopian sci-fi story, but you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are some review quotes that Karri Thompson loves most:

  • This book drew me in and spit me out wanting more!” – Amazon Customer
  • “I applaud the author for taking some crazy ideas and spinning them into a new dystopian that can be unique in the genre that has been flooded in the wake of more big name books in recent years.” – Rae Sontheyon

 Check out this excerpt with Cassie and Michael from Mirror X to get a taste for this dystopian novel:

I was filled with too much turmoil and betrayal to even raise my voice. “You should have told me, Michael, from the very beginning. All that talk about training and career opportunities was a big lie.”

He bent forward, his eyes aimed at the gray floor as I watched his back rise with each breath.

“I’m sorry, Cassie. You have no idea how hard that was for me. I wanted to tell you the truth, but I had no choice. Until you were told about the project, we had to keep you from asking questions we weren’t ready to answer. There was nothing I could do. They were going to wait another week, but I couldn’t lie to you one more minute, let alone a week or even a day. Thankfully, I was able to talk them into tell you today.”

I folded my arms against my chest and sighed. “I’m being forced into doing something I don’t want to do, and I’ve been manipulated and deceived by people I thought I could trust.”

“I don’t know what to say other than that I am sorry. We were never trying to deceive you. We needed to wait until you were stronger. It didn’t seem right to tell you so soon after your awakening. You were too vulnerable.”

“And I’m not vulnerable now? Look at me.” I said, raising my frail arms and letting them drop limply to the bed.

“We’re all vulnerable. We’re desperate. We’re running out of time.”


About Mirror X:

Cassie Dannacher wakes up in a hospital over 1,000 years into the future after her space capsule is retrieved from space. She soon learns that 600 years prior to her arrival, the earth was struck by a plague, killing over half of the world’s population. Naïve and desperate, Cassie, who longs for home and is having trouble adjusting to the new, dictatorial 31st century government, is comforted by Michael Bennett, the 20-year old lead geneticist at the hospital where she was revived. 

But why is Cassie in genetics’ hospital in the first place, and why do several of the people around her seem so familiar, including Travel Carson, the hot and edgy boy she is fated to meet? Soon she discovers there is a sinister answer to all of her questions – and that they want something from Cassie that only she can give.

Get A Copy Today:

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