18 Recommend Reads for International Day of the Girl!

18 Recommended Reads For International Day of the Girl!

Wednesday of this week marked the 5th Annual International Day of the Girl, which is a day that aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges that girls face, while promoting both their empowerment and fulfillment of their human rights. If you want to learn more about this important day, check out the United Nations website.

As a company that is 100% women owned and 96% women run, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many of the books Entangled Teen publishes feature strong, empowered young women facing all sorts of challenges. Some of them live in our world, and many of them live in a world very different from ours, but it’s our sincere hope that when a young woman picks up one of our books that they see someone who reflects their own strength, abilities, and desires, and who ultimately, helps them to know that they are capable of achieving anything to which they set their minds. And this is why today, of all days, we wanted to share 18 books with strong heroines that we recommend on International Day of the Girl and every other day until an International Day of the Girl is no longer needed.

Seize Today (Forget Tomorrow, #3) by NYT Bestselling Author, Pintip Dunn: No matter which book in the Forget Tomorrow series you pick up, you’ll find strong, capable heroines in lead roles, including Callie from Forget Tomorrow and Jessa from Remember Yesterday. However, as the only true pre-cog of her time AND as someone who has seen her death foretold in 20 days, Olivia Dresden may be the ultimate heroine. She doesn’t let anything stop her fight the future…even her own forthcoming demise, which is seriously kick butt if you ask us. Get it now!

Haven by Mary Lindsey: When it comes to strong heroines, it doesn’t get any better than Freddie from Mary Lindsey’s forthcoming book, Haven. Freddie is the alpha presumptive of her pack, and there aren’t any guys in her community who can really compete with her. They might try, but they would undoubtedly fail. We think that seeing a girl in a leadership role…or rather a presumptive leadership role…is the kind of thing that young women need to see in both worlds that look like their’s and paranormal ones like the one that Mary Lindsey has created. Pre-order it now, so you get it on its November 7th release day!

Violet Grenade by Victoria Scott: Sometimes young women are told that they need to stay in their place or that ambition of any kind is a negative. In Victoria Scott’s standalone novel, Violet Grenade, Domino Ray doesn’t have many options, but when a mysterious woman named Ms. Karina offers her a position at her girls’ home in a secluded area of West Texas, she takes the chance to rise up the ranks to gain the woman’s approval and achieve her own agenda. Get it now!

The November Girl by Lydia Kang: Anda is only one of the POVs in this forthcoming novel from Lydia Kang, but she is so powerful! Anda is half human, but her mother is Lake Superior, and this combination gives her the ability to create and control the many deadly storms that have happened over the years in this great lake over the month of November. And maybe, just maybe, she has the ability to stop them from killing people, too. Pre-order it now, so you get it on its November 7th release day!

The Revolution of Ivy (The Book of Ivy, #2) by NYT Bestselling Author, Amy Engel: Okay, so if you haven’t read The Book of Ivy and The Revolution of Ivy just go and do that now. It’s incredible. And one of the things that makes it so incredible, beyond the amazing romance, is the main character Ivy. I mean, she starts the series ready to marry and kill the son of her father’s enemy, and where she ends up is nothing short of amazing. Get it now!

Falling for Forever (Before Forever, #2) by Melissa Chambers: Contemporary YA romance. Check. Dual POVs. Check. And most importantly, a strong, competitive, heroine named Jenna. Check. Whether you’d already picked up Melissa Chambers’ debut novel or not, I’d highly recommend you pick up this novel. Jenna was one of the finalists on a huge TV competition for her amazing voice, and she plans to go to L.A. to extend her 15 minutes of fame. That is until her dad gets her into an art school with the prospect of winning $25k to start her life in L.A. She’s competing against the best and the brightest, but Jenna has confidence that she can win, and readers will be cheering for her the whole way through. Get it now!

Summoner by S.D. Grimm: If you like creepy stories or like to read them at least in the month of October, then we highly recommend picking up Summoner. Allie has the power to summon ghosts into this world, but she doesn’t know it until one of her best friend dares their group to play a game she calls “witching” in a cemetery late at night. While there are definitely some creepy moments, keep in mind that this story also has a lot of heart and a swoony romance between Allie and a character living with a disability, and you’ll realize that it’s the perfect Halloween read with a strong female lead. Get it now!

Atlantis Reborn (Atlantis Rising, #3) by Gloria Craw: If you haven’t read Atlantis Rising or Atlantis Quest definitely get on that now as it’s highly recommended to both people who gravitate toward paranormal novels and those who usually shy away from them. Allison, the main character, in the series is a seriously kick-butt heroine. While at the beginning of the series, she tries to hide in plain site, never drawing attention to her intelligence or her amazing abilities, but over the course of the series, she really grows into her powers and has leadership potential written all over her. Get it now!

A Messy, Beautiful Life by Sara Jade Alan: If you haven’t heard of A Messy, Beautiful Life yet, I feel a little sorry for you. Ellie is a bright character who is so real and so funny at the same time. While a lot of other books paint those who get a cancer diagnosis, especially a rare one, as always strong and fighting, she does sometimes have doubts, but she has a great support system and the ability to see the humor in life’s tragedies, which makes her unlike any other character in any similar book. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll definitely swoon. Get it now!

Remember Me Forever (Lovely Vicious, #3) by Sara Wolf: If you haven’t read Love Me Never or Forget Me Always, definitely make a point to pick these books up because Isis Blake is a character you won’t soon forget. She has hilarious quips and starts a war in Love Me Never with Jack Hunter, the Ice Prince of East Summit High, when he rejects her new friend at a party. The romantic tension is high throughout the series between Isis and Jack, but in Remember Me Forever, Isis’ ability to stand up for herself is taken to a whole new level when she runs into a guy from her old school, from before she ever met Jack. And of course you’ll be laughing the whole way through this series. Get it now!

Greta and the Lost Army (Mylena Chronicles, #3) by Chloe Jacobs: Again, this is a third book in a trilogy, so if you haven’t read the first two, Greta and the Goblin King and Greta and the Glass Kingdom, do yourself a favor and pick them all up for your next binge-reading session. Greta is a human bounty hunter who has been living in a world where humans are generally despised for three years before the series begins. She finds ogres, ghouls, and goblins who have thrown themselves over to the dark side with the changing moon cycles, and she’s hidden her humanity to stay safe, so her intelligence and ability are clear. Get it now!

Life After Juliet by Shannon Lee Alexander: If you’re a bookworm, then Becca Hanson is a character with whom you’ll strongly identify, even if you haven’t gone through the same things she’s going through. Her best friend Charlotte just died from cancer, the one person who was able to get Charlotte out of her shell, and she’s so lost. Becca can show readers that if you’re grieving a loss of any type, there is a way through it. Get it now!

The Summer  Before Forever (Before Forever, #1) by Melissa Chambers: We mentioned Falling for Forever above, and while Jenna is a character who shows up in the first book, it’s an entirely different type of story. Chloe is visiting her father for the summer, with Jenna along for the adventure, and meeting her new stepbrother, Landon, for the first time. She also has a secret that has made her lose her confidence, and Jenna has a solution. To get over her past, Chloe just needs to complete a list of tasks over the course of the summer. This contemporary teen romance is about a teen girl who shows that she’s stronger than she knew she was. Get it now!

Shadow of a Girl by Shannon Greenland: This psychological thriller with a super sweet romance has been called the book of Shannon Greenland’s heart. Eve runs away from home and finds a job as a roadie, which perfectly fits her plan to use cash and keep moving. Over the course of the novel, Eve learns to gain back the confidence in herself and other people and finds a way to take back control over her life. And for this reason, it’s a book that we think every young woman should read. Get it now!

Olivia Decoded (Olivia Twisted, #2) by Vivi Barnes: Olivia is an accomplished programmer who has lived in many foster homes, so she has street smarts as well as book smarts. While the first book, Olivia Twisted – pick it up if you haven’t read it yet – is a retelling of Oliver Twist with a computer programming twist, the second book in this duology is a psychological thriller about a creepy stalker, and Olivia shows that young women can unravel the clues. Get it now!

Chasing Truth (Eleanor Ames, #1) by Julie Cross: Seriously, we can’t say enough good things about this book. One of our staff members read the entire thing – over 400 pages – in the course of a day because it was so compelling and she just couldn’t put it down. In part, this is because Eleanor is such a strong, intelligent, and street smart character with some serious Veronica Mars vibes. Add in the classic, sex positive content of Julie Cross’ contemporary romances, and you’ll fall in love. Get it now!

Nexis (Tricksters, #1) by A.L. Davroe: If you like sci-fi novels with diverse main characters, then you should definitely check out Nexis and its sequel, Redux. Ella is a skilled programmer – the best one in her school – in part because of the extra lessons that her dad was always giving her, and when a deadly accident leaves her an orphan and causes her to lose both of her legs, she finally decides to try the virtual reality game that her father invented and that has taken their world by storm and solving the puzzles put before her. Get it now!

Tarnished (Perfected, #2) by Kate Jarvik Birch: If you haven’t read Perfected, pick it up now and binge both books as soon as you can before the final book in the series, Unraveled releases. Ella is a naive character who has been brainwashed to believe one thing her whole life. That may not sound like the makings of a strong female character, but the thing is that the more she learns about what’s actually going on, the stronger she becomes. Highly recommended for fans of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s TaleGet it now!

Have you read any of these books with strong, female characters? Planning to add any of them to your TBR lists? Let us know in the comments!

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