They’re Coming…Two Not to Be Missed Reads

Early Reviews

“I feel like my heart was just ripped out of my chest, stomped upon, bandaged and re-inflated, and then stuffed back into me with a sweet kiss and a hug of understanding. I’m smiling through my tears. Wonderful story.” ~a_tiffyfit

I don’t even know where to begin with how much I love “Love and Other Unknown Variables.” Love may not be a strong enough word.” ~Morris

This is a MUST read to everyone. Be warned though, you will laugh, you will cry, you will cheer and you will most of all, love all the characters. If I could rate it higher than 5 stars, I would.” ~Mehsi

About Love and Other Unknown Variables

Charlie Hanson has a clear vision of his future. A senior at Brighton School of Mathematics and Science, he knows he’ll graduate, go to MIT, and inevitably discover solutions to the universe’s greatest unanswered questions. He’s that smart. But Charlie’s future blurs the moment he reaches out to touch the tattoo on a beautiful girl’s neck. 

The future has never seemed very kind to Charlotte Finch, so she’s counting on the present. She’s not impressed by the strange boy at the donut shop—until she learns he’s a student at Brighton where her sister has just taken a job as the English teacher. With her encouragement, Charlie orchestrates the most effective prank campaign in Brighton history. But, in doing so, he puts his own future in jeopardy. 

By the time he learns she’s ill—and that the pranks were a way to distract Ms. Finch from Charlotte’s illness—Charlotte’s gravitational pull is too great to overcome. Soon he must choose between the familiar formulas he’s always relied on or the girl he’s falling for (at far more than 32 feet per second squared)

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Don’t miss these two upcoming releases that are already making readers cry and making them swoon.

Early Reviews

I’m going to try my best at putting words together to tell you how much I loved this book. I just want to scream at everyone and say READ THIS BOOK!!” ~Reanell

The words to express how much I loved this book are hard to find. It was such a great blend of baseball and romance. My heart feels so happy!” ~Jessica

make sure that you have enough free time to be able to sit down and read this book cover to cover, because you will not want to put it down once you start.” ~Mariah

About Whatever Life Throws at You

Life loves a good curveball…

Seventeen-year-old Annie Lucas’s life is completely upended the moment her dad returns to the major leagues as the new pitching coach for the Kansas City Royals. Now she’s living in Missouri (too cold), attending an all-girls school (no boys), and navigating the strange world of professional sports. But Annie has dreams of her own—most of which involve placing first at every track meet…and one starring the Royals’ super-hot rookie pitcher.

But nineteen-year-old Jason Brody is completely, utterly, and totally off-limits. Besides, her dad would kill them both several times over. Not to mention Brody has something of a past, and his fan club is filled with C-cupped models, not smart-mouthed high school “brats” who can run the pants off every player on the team. Annie has enough on her plate without taking their friendship to the next level. The last thing she should be doing is falling in love.

But baseball isn’t just a game. It’s life. And sometimes, it can break your heart…

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