Teaser Tuesday: Resisting the Rebel by Lisa Brown Roberts

Teaser Tuesday

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Resisting the Rebel by Lisa Brown Roberts, which releases on Monday, July 25, 2016!

“Hi, fake boyfriend. How’s your day going so far?” Mandy flipped open her salad container and poured dressing on the wilted leaves.

“Okay,” Caleb said, watching as she stabbed her salad like she wanted to kill it. “Better than yours, I’m guessing.” He tensed, telling himself he didn’t really care about whatever drama she was about to unload.

She glanced up at him, her eyes flashing. “Good guess, demon,” she chattered. “I met with Ms. Chen this morning and she says I have to completely rewrite my stupid Catcher in the Rye essay for Spriggs.” She shoved a bite of salad in her mouth, then spoke around it. “I hate that stupid book.”

Caleb forgot his vow to ignore her drama. “You hate Salinger?”

She nodded.

“We’re about to end the shortest fake relationship at Sky Ridge High.”

She stared at him, eyes widening in shock. “What? Why?”

“I can’t fake date someone who doesn’t appreciate Salinger. Total deal breaker.”

She set her fork down. “Of course you think he’s a genius.”

“Anyone who appreciates literature thinks he’s a genius.”

“You’d really fake break up with me over that?” She looked worried, her crazy spider eyelashes fluttering.

“Maybe.” He took a drink of his soda, studying her. He wouldn’t, but Mandy didn’t need to know that yet. He liked messing with her.

She leaned forward and closed her hand over his, sending an expected jolt of heat through him. “Stalker sighting,” she whispered, glancing over his shoulder. “Don’t look. Just pretend you’re telling me how awesome my outfit is.”

He glanced down at their hands, noticing her nail polish for the first time. Every nail was a different color. He tried not to laugh. “Your manicure is…interesting,” he said, looking into her eyes like he was telling her he loved her, just in case Elle was getting closer. “Do you have different colored underwear for every day of the week, too?”

Heat flooded her cheeks, and she started to pull her hand away but he trapped her hand with his. “Is she still watching?”

Mandy swallowed and glanced over his shoulder again. “Y-yes.”

“Good. Keep your eyes on mine.” She refocused on him, and he gave her his sexiest grin. “Tell me about your undies. What color are they today? And when do I get to see them?”

“Caleb!” She gasped and turned an even deeper shade of pink but he didn’t let go of her hand.

This was perfect. If Elle was watching, all she’d see was him obviously saying something suggestive based on Mandy’s reaction. Now he just had to reel her in so she didn’t smack him and ruin the effect. He leaned across the table.

“Work with me, Disco. Now you tell me how hot I look today.” He winked, hoping Elle was freaking out.

Mandy’s mouth opened like a fish, then she seemed to realize she needed to perform. She leaned forward, her curls falling over her shoulders.

“Smoking,” she said, her low voice matching his. “Black leather totally turns me on.” Her thumb rubbed the inside of his wrist and Caleb swallowed.

“It does?” he asked, more hopefully than he should have.

Resisting the Rebel

About Resisting the Rebel:

Disclaimer: This book contains a villain pretending to be a hero, a hero pretending to be a villain, a disco-dancing heroine, two overprotective sidekicks, a little bit of bad language, and a whole lot of swoony kissing.

Spirit committee leader Mandy Pennington is secretly in love with her best friend, Gus, but when he hooks up with her archenemy at a party, she decides to win him over once and for all. She just doesn’t know how. But who better to help than hot loner Caleb Torrs?

Caleb’s got his own problems, but when he sees Mandy pining over Gus at a party, he thinks she’s finally smoked the spirit stick and lost her mind. Maybe he has, too, because he just asked Mandy to be his fake girlfriend.She’ll get her loser friend’s attention, and he’ll get his stalker ex off his back.It’s a win-win.

But soon one fake date blends into the next and before he knows it, he actually wants to kiss Mandy. For real. Too bad their plan is working, and Gus is finally noticing the one girl Caleb just might be falling for…

Want to Read More? Pre-order Resisting the Rebel Today!


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