Teaser Tuesday: Deviate by Tracy Clark

Teaser Tuesday

We’ve got an exciting new Teaser Tuesday from Tracy Clark’s upcoming release, Deviate!  It comes out March 3, 2015.

I lay back down, unable to tame my erratic pulse. Images of the deaths I’d witnessed superimposed over my vision, nightmares awake and asleep that tortured me. I vowed these things:

I won’t hide the rest of my life. I will find a way to stop the Arrazi.

I will keep my loved ones safe.

I will make Clancy beg me for his life.

I will deny him.

My Scintilla aura flared with pure hate. It radiated above my body, over my heart, the epicenter of my pain. Resentment for what I’d lost and for what my life was now rose up in my body, cresting over any shame I might have felt about wishing someone dead. The girl I was two months ago would never have had thoughts of death and survival and revenge. There was no damage done that I couldn’t pin directly on the race known as Arrazi.

Giovanni rolled over with the slackness of sleep. His eyes were still closed but his hand reached out, suspended over me, and rested gently on my stomach, beneath my heart. My breath caught. He still breathed with the heavy timbre of deep sleep. Could he subconsciously feel my deep distress? Did he know that with the press of his hand, my fiery rage would reduce to a simmer?

I had so much to learn about being a Scintilla. I’d have to begin immediately.

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Deviate by Tracy Clark

About Deviate:

Learning the truth about herself was just the beginning.

Tormented after a daring escape, Cora Sandoval must find a way to stop the Arrazi from murdering innocent people and from violating, using, and killing the Scintilla for their powers. She must also accept one bitter betrayal.: Finn Doyle—the Irish boy who has both a piece of Cora’s heart and soul—is Arrazi…

On the verge of extinction and sought by those who would either consume or destroy them, Cora and the remaining Scintilla survivors must solve the mystery of The Light Key. If they fail, the truth will stay buried forever and mankind will pay the ultimate price.

No longer will she hide.

No longer will her loved ones be hunted.

And she will have her vengeance…even if she shatters her heart in the process.

About Author

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