Swoon Sunday with Beau Cadwell from Wicked Charm by Amber Hart!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Beau Cadwell from Wicked Charm by Amber Hart!

Beau, what’s your profession?

Senior in high school. I’m not particularly great at grades and studying. But then again, I don’t actually try to be. I prefer getting into trouble with friends. It’s more interesting.

Where do you call home?

Waycross, Georgia. In a small town where everyone knows everyone. In an old house on the edge of the swamp. There are stories about the few of us crazy enough to live that far out. Some of them are true.

Do you have a special skill?

I’m an exceptionally good liar.

What’s your darkest secret?

*smirks* I don’t reveal my secrets. Unless it’s to Willow. For her, I cave.

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

A boat ride in the bog. Southern food. Sweet tea. Water sloshing at tree roots. If I had it my way, and I really try my best to, I’d figure out her interests and hope that I’m one of them.

What is one thing you refuse to share?

My past.

Early bird or night owl?

Night Owl. I like the look and sounds of the woods at night. Plus, that’s when Willow comes out on her porch swing, under the stars. I can’t help but be drawn to her.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

When people try to figure out too much about me. Like: Why my sister and I moved into the deep swamp with our grandpa years ago, where are parents are, if we’re really evil, and why dead girls keep showing up in the murky waters so close to my home. Somehow, I’ve escaped answering their questions. For now.

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

That’s easy. Search the swamp for the killer that keeps targeting girls at my high school. Some people think I’m the one responsible since all of the girls are connected to me in some way and think that my searching is really a cover up for me being the culprit. Is it true that I’m to blame? Maybe. Maybe not. You’ll have to read Wicked Charm to find out.

Liked this interview with the mysterious, bad boy Beau? Then check out a swoony moment between him and Willow from her POV:

Under the stars, no one is here to see a thing. Beau could press his lips to mine and no one would know.

“You should kiss me, Beau,” I say boldly.

I reach a fingertip to his mouth and brush his bottom lip lightly. There’s a hunger in his stare. It takes everything I have to control the pleasure it gives me to see him so unhinged.

About Wicked Charm:

Nothing good comes from living in the Devil’s swamp.

Willow Bell thinks moving to the Okefenokee area isn’t half bad, but nothing prepares her for what awaits in the shadows of the bog.

Girls are showing up dead in the swamp. And she could be next.

Everyone warns Willow to stay away from Beau Cadwell—the bad boy at the top of their suspect list as the serial killer tormenting the small town.

But beneath his wicked, depthless eyes, there’s something else that draws Willow to him.

When yet another girl he knew dies, though, Willow questions whether she can trust her instincts…or if they’re leading to her own death.

Want to read more? Pre-order Wicked Charm by Amber Hart today!


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About Amber Hart:

Amber Hart resides on the Florida coastline with family and a plethora of animals she affectionately refers to as her urban farm. When unable to find a book, she can be found writing, daydreaming, or with her toes in the sand. She’s the author of several novels for teens and adults, including Wicked Charm, the Before and After series for teens, and the Untamed series for adults.

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