Swoon Sunday: Parker Madison from Defying Gravity (Finding Perfect, #2) by Kendra C. Highley!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Parker Madison from Defying Gravity (Finding Perfect, #2) by Kendra C. Highley!


Parker, what’s your profession? 

Student, but scouts have been asking me to turn pro in slopestyle snowboarding. Not sure how I feel about that.

Where do you call home?  

Aspen, Colorado. I can’t imagine living outside of the Rockies. It’s where I live, sure, but it’s where my heart is, too.

Do you have a special skill? 

Don’t tell my older brother, but I’m developing a reputation on the mountain as one of the best jumpers out there. Give me a twenty-foot kicker, and I’ll fly over the edge.

What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?

To finally tell my best friend that I want to be more. It’s hard, because I’ve known her since diapers, but Zoey is perfect me, and I want to prove that I can be perfect for her.

What’s your favourite dessert/food? 

I’m eighteen. My favorite food is whatever you put in front of me. I’m a human vacuum cleaner at dinnertime.

Describe your idea of an ideal date. 

I’ll be honest—I’m up for anything she wants to do: taking a sleigh ride, making snow angels, going to a club. My job is to make her—and keep her—happy. But…she has to love skiing or snowboarding, because that’s a big part of my life.

What would be your idea of an ideal vacation? 

The beach. Ironic, I know. But when you live in a ski resort town year ‘round, going someplace warm sounds pretty good.

Who is your idol? 

Cliché, but Shaun White. What snowboarder doesn’t idolize that guy?

What is your biggest pet peeve? 

When my brother starts a competition with me. He’s really competitive and likes to put one over on me. Not for much longer, though. I have his number, and it’s my turn to come out on top.

Boxers or briefs?

Boxer briefs…best of both worlds, man.

Chunky peanut butter or smooth? 

Aww, you had to ask. ::chuckles:: Um, chunky.

Liked the interview with Parker? Then check out this super swoony excerpt between Zoey and Parker:

The light in the window across the way went on. Parker was in his room. Zoey glanced up, then gulped.

Holy. Shit.

Parker had forgotten to close his blinds. And he was wearing a towel. Only a towel. Their houses were close enough together that she could see his hair was damp from a shower. So was…the rest of him. Oh, Jesus.

Her entire body flushed white-hot. No, no, she really shouldn’t be gawking like this. It was invasion of privacy. Except—she’d seen him in swimsuits their entire lives, so what was the problem?

The problem was that the towel was coming off any second.

Her will power wasn’t working all that well, though, especially after the last few days, and she didn’t think she could look away if she tried. Her curiosity was way too strong right now.

The other problem was those abs. And his shoulders. God almighty—had he been lifting? He wasn’t as solid as Luke, but everything was well defined. He’d gone from lean to shredded since July. Like, paid-to-model-underwear shredded. Her mind snagged on the way his biceps flexed when he reached for something on his dresser.

Parker looked up suddenly, meeting her wide-eyed stare. For a minute, neither of them moved, then he laughed, sauntered to the window, and put a hand on the towel.

Zoey’s breath froze in her lungs. Oh, God, oh, God, he was going to take it off. She put a hand over her eyes, but spread her fingers apart so she could peek. Still laughing, Parker loosened the towel. It started sliding off, showing that spot on a guy’s hip that made smart girls do stupid, stupid things…

Then the blinds snapped shut.

She fell on her bed, giggling, arms wrapped around her aching middle. He’d done a half-Magic Mike in her window. Seriously, all he needed was a cowboy hat and slinky music, and women would pay serious money for that kind of show. What kind of best friend did a strip-tease for you?

She sat up suddenly. That was a really good question.

What kind of best friend did that?

Defying Gravity

Want to Read More? Pre-order Defying Gravity (Finding Perfect, #2) Today!


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