Swoon Sunday: James from It Had to be You by Lizzy Charles!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from James from It Had to be You by Lizzy Charles!

James, why don’t you describe yourself to us.

Ugh, that’s sort of an awkward leading question, but I’m always game. Brown seems to be my theme. Brown skin, brown eyes, brown hair. I sound a bit boring when I say it like that, but I’ve never had a girl complain.

What’s your profession?

Well, other than being a high school senior, I like to think of myself as a master prankster in addition to my role as the captain of the football team.

Where do you call home?

Somewhere between room 321 in Brockmore Academy and the little corner room at my aunt’s.  With that said, technically my home address is a few hours away at my dad’s, but I prefer to hang out around Brockmore.

What kind of music do you listen to? (What song are you listening to on you iPhone right now?)

Anything by The 1975.

Do you have a special skill?

My Dad once told me modesty isn’t my strength. So I guess there’s no reason to start it now. Let’s see, I’m one of the top linebackers in the state. The CIA will be knocking on my door in a few years based solely off my hacking skills, and if I play my cards right it’ll be to hire me rather than toss me in jail.

Give me a situation, and I can give you a prank.

My short pieces of fiction are already featured in literary magazines.

What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?

In whatever I do, I want to live passionately.

What’s your biggest regret?

Not ever knowing my Mom. It’s not my fault, but I still regret it.

What’s your darkest secret?

Like I’d let my darkest secret be sketched into the Internet’s history forever. Sorry, I’m going to have to pass on this question.

What’s your favourite dessert/food?

Easy, French Silk pie.

Describe your idea of an ideal date.

Going for a jog together, than refuelling with burgers and fries.

What’s your favourite pastime/hobby?

Football and writing. Can’t choose between the two.

What would be your idea of an ideal vacation?

I want to travel to Ireland than down to Kenya with my Dad to research my heritage.

Describe the craziest thing you have done.

Once I “borrowed” a horse from our school’s stables and parked it in our head mistresses’ office. Oh, and then there was the time I brought the football team sledding… off my aunt’s roof.

Who is your idol?

My Dad.

What is your favourite movie of all time?

Rear Window.

What is the one thing you would refuse to share?

My toothbrush. The thought of sharing that thing makes me gag.

What is the one thing that no one knows or could never guess about you?

Everyone deserves a secret or two. There’s no way I’m spilling that here.

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Froot Loops.

Early bird or night owl?

Both. I never stop.

Chunky peanut butter or smooth?


What is your biggest pet peeve?

People who take life too seriously.

Favourite fictional character?

Severus Snape.

What is your favourite sports team?

New York Patriots.

If you had to describe yourself as an ice cream flavor, what flavour would you be?

Ben & Jerry’s Caramel Almond Brittle ice cream.

Liked this interview with James? Now check out a swoony excerpt between him and Edel:

Please, play along. I kiss him again, gripping his shoulder. A beat later, he scoops me in closer and kisses me back. My lips melt as I press my hand to his chest, the thumping of his heart under my palm. His lips explore mine, every brush setting my body ablaze. Whoa. Tingles shoot up my neck and down my arms. My knees quake while he expertly makes us look like we’re sharing a Hollywood kiss.

About It Had to be You:

James Parson has a problem. His military dad is going to yank him out of his expensive boarding school if James doesn’t prove he’s no longer hooking up, pulling pranks, and charming his way out of consequences. What better way to show he’s now responsible than becoming the committed boyfriend of a U.S. diplomat’s daughter?

Level-headed, book-smart Edelweiss may have traveled the world thanks to her dad’s job, but when it comes to friends and boys, she knows exactly nothing. Newly enrolled in boarding school, Edel is now on a mission to learn it all. James says he’ll help her experience the ultimate high school life—if she’ll be his fake girlfriend. And fake is perfect, because he’s exactly the kind of player she’d never date.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains red-hot romance, all the feels, and a soul-mate bad boy.

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy of It Had to be You by Lizzy Charles today!


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