Stuff We Love: Shoes, by Cindi Madsen

I’m going to shock everyone, and admit something. Okay, deep breath. My name is Cindi Madsen and I’m a shoe addict. All right, that probably didn’t shock anyone who reads my blog, author bio, or follows me on twitter. But seriously, I can’t help it. I see a pair of shoes and it’s like what some people experience at a pet store. They just look so pretty, but they’re sitting there all sad, and they need someone to take them to a good home where they’ll be taken care of and worn out fun places. I feel like I’D be the best person for that job. Picking a favorite pair is like picking my favorite child, so I just decided to highlight a couple pair and hope the other shoes in my closet don’t take it too hard.
The pair that I get the most comments on, because as my husband says, they practically have their own light source are my hot pink platforms. I got these last year for Valentine’s day, after seeing them in the mall and doing big puppy dog eyes at my husband, so he’d know they’d be the PERFECT present. As I always say, flowers wither and die, but shoes are forever.

About a month before my birthday, I walked into Dillard’s and saw a pair of Steve Maddens. Now, I love Steve Maddens and these had glitter AND studs! I reverently went over and held them up for a moment before slipping my feet into them. So these are my newest pair. They say I’m a girl and I can kick your butt if I need to. (What? Your shoes don’t talk to you? Weird.)

Now I could put up pictures of a hundred more shoes, or take a picture of my closet to shoe how bad the addiction has gotten, but none of us have that kind of time. For one, I need to go look at all the shoes that searching for pictures to put in this post brought up. What if there’s a sale? So I’ll leave with a pair I stumbled across that I’m pretty sure need to be added to my collection. I’ll probably leave an oh-so-subtle note on my husband’s nightstand to let him know where to find me a Christmas present. I mean, how awesome are these? Pink and lace and a bow AND a skull? I think these shoes might just be one of those ‘you complete me’ pairs.

Now, as much as I hate to admit it, there are times when it’s just not practical to wear 4 to 5 inch heels. So what’s a girl to do? Well, I’ve got a pair of chunky rocker boots that I love and come in handy in cold Colorado weather, and when I want to throw on a T-shirt & jeans and be comfy, I go with my Converse sneakers. And in the summer, I wear my flip-flops everywhere (and I have lots of different flip-flops, some even sparkly) Like I said, I’m a shoe addict. I love them all!

So, what shoes can’t you live without?

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1 Reply on Stuff We Love: Shoes, by Cindi Madsen

  • Your shoes are EPIC. I love the skull-lace ones (if you do get them, we’d better see them on twitter!) I’m way too klutzy to wear something that high, so I’ll just live vicariously through you.

    Me, I can’t live without my Fluevogs. I love rocking my bright red mary janes and purple ankle boots!

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