Get an Inside Look into the Entangled team’s “Classic Sads”


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To celebrate the release of Heidi R. Kling’s Not Okay, Cupid, some of the Entangled Publishing Team are  Sharing the Movies that Make them Cry!

If you’re excited about the first book in Heidi R. Kling‘s High School Heartbreakers Series, then you probably already know that it’s about a girl named Hazel, who finds out that her “perfect” boyfriend is cheating on her with her “perfect” best friend. With the help of bad boy, Felix James, she starts a fake relationship to get revenge against her ex. However, in addition to the juicy revenge plot, we also love the amazing relationship that Hazel has with her mother who happens to be a movie critic, who – of course – recommends that her and Hazel watch what she calls, “Classic Sads.”

Wondering what she means by Classic Sads? Well, it’s a term that Hazel’s mom coined to refer to romantic movies that make you cry either from sadness (Ie. Titanic) or happy-joy (Ie. Love, Actually).  While reading Not Okay, Cupid, we fell in love with the term, so we decided to give Entangled’s editors, production editors, and publicists a chance to share some of their fave “Classic Sads.”

Stacy Cantor Abrams, Editorial Director for Entangled TEEN, Crush, Crave & Select Print: 

stacyForrest Gump: This movie has it all! Humor, romance, political commentary, chocolate. But it’s the scene where he says good-bye to his mom that chokes me up every. Single. Time. Maybe it’s because my mom looks a little like Sally Field, but when she says “I’m dying, Forrest,” I’m lost.
Titanic: I know it’s overused, and I actually don’t really care all THAT much about whether Rose or Jack make it (I know, I have a heart of stone). But the image that gets me is the old couple holding each other in their little cot in the lower level, knowing what’s coming and accepting it together…gah. Even thinking about it is tearing me up now.
Marley & Me: I just can’t even.

Crystal Havens, Production Editor for Crush, Crave, Bliss, Ignite & Select Suspense: 

CrystalThe NotebookWhenever I’m feeling sad, this movie reminds me of the magic of true love. Even though the ending is sad, what begin as sad tears transform to happy ones when I think about how great their love was for each other and that this kind of love is possible for everyone.
Moulin Rouge: Satine and Christian’s forbidden love is unbearable, but their feelings were real and so worth the pain.

Jessica Turner, Executive Marketing & Publicity Director: 

jessicaPride & Prejudice: This is the ultimate love story for me. The new one with Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet is my favorite version. Mr. Darcy is such an ass that every time I watch it, I still get all swoon-y when we start to see him soften. And when he appears in that foggy field early in the morning coming after Elizabeth?! Forgetaboutit….

Lost in Translation: Ok, I realize this isn’t a typical romance, but there’s something about this modern love story that leaves me completely happy at the end.  I’ve watched it probably a dozen times, and every time “Just Like Honey” starts playing after their final scene together, I just sigh and go all mushy for a bit.

The Notebook:  I save this for when I need a really good “ugly cry.” There’s no other movie like it for me.

Heather Riccio, Assistant Publisher:

heather-1-150x150Love Actually: There’s not one couple in this movie that I don’t like. Their stories are so involved and yet, I think I love Jamie and Auriela’s side-story the best. To love someone so much so that you’ll learn another language for them? Now that’s love! And Colin’s humor when he first arrives in America and is in a bar describing the items to them? Rolling every single time! 
When Harry Met Sally: I have always loved this movie! Sally is so headstrong and I love it.  And her scene in the diner? Classic! I’ll have what she’s having every single time. 
My Cousin Vinny: Now this might not be on everyone else’s list, but it’s a movie that my dad has to watch every time it’s on TV. Much like my mom has to watch the 24 hour marathon of a Christmas Story on TBS. You don’t question. You watch or walk away. I watch and learn to appreciate those movies, lol. My parents are native New Yorkers and my dad is from the Bronx. My grandpa, god rest his soul, was former NYPD, so every time I hear Joe Pesci’s voice, I hear a little bit of his voice and my uncle’s. I love how Mona Lisa knows everything about cars and the jury tries to question her, but she knows her stuff. And when Lisa taps her foot on the ground telling Vinny that her biological clock is ticking, I giggle every time.  And when Vinny says, “I won my first case, you know what this means…and Mona Lisa says, “No way. You can’t even win a case by yourself, you’re fuckin’ useless.” I can’t even. 
Bridesmaids: Laugh-out-loud funny. Need I say more? 


Debbie Suzuki, Publicity Director:

momKaitlyn2-copy-150x150Deep Impact: I’m a sucker for these end-of-the-world sort of movies. I swear at the end of Deep Impact when the astronauts are saying good bye to their families before sacrificing themselves to destroy the asteroid, I tear up EVERY TIME! Especially when the little girl says she loves her mommy. OMG. Turn on the water works.
Independence Day: Again I know it’s more of a action, cheesy, fun movie, but when the president’s wife dies and her daughter asks if mommy is sleeping – pass me the tissue box!

Melissa Montovani, Entangled TEEN Publicist:

melissa-montovaniBrokeback Mountain: I saw this movie for the first time in the theatre, and I was pulled right in to the story. The music, the gorgeous, sweeping landscapes, the heartbreaking romance, and most importantly, the shirts hidden in Jack’s (and later) Ennis’ closets. Le sigh.

Finding NeverlandThis movie has it all: cute as hell kids, laugh out loud scenes, the magic of imagination, and a brilliant and heartbreaking love story between J.M. Barrie and Slyvia, but the thing that gets me every time is when Slyvia’s mother, a woman who has stood between the budding romance and friendship since the beginning, claps to save Tink’s life by showing that she believes in fairies. I mean, Peter Pan was never my favorite story growing up, but this movie just kills me.

3-IronIf you don’t watch South Korean movies, in particular, or sub-titled movies in general, then Kim Ki-Duk’s beautiful love story wouldn’t have even been a blip on your radar, which is really unfortunate. Again, this is a movie I saw for the first time the the movie theatre, and I was blown away by it. Why? Well, imagine a movie in which the two main characters and lovers never speak a word to each other or any one else, but are nevertheless able to portray not only true love, but also the perfect knight-in-shining-armor role…without a 3-iron golf club rather than a sword and shield.

Amélie (a.k.a. Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain): From the very first frame, this movie captured my heart and never let it go. Audrey Tautou portrays the magic and innocence of Amélie perfectly, and when the photographic hunt that ends with her finding the perfect guy, how can you not swoon?


Meredith Johnson, Managing Editor for Entangled TEEN:

MeredithThe Fault in Our Stars: Oh John Green. I was convinced after sobbing through the book that I’d actually be able to watch the movie without the ugly crying. I mean hello, it’s not like I didn’t know what was going to happen. But alas, the ugly crying came on just as strong as it did when I read the book for the first time. I could watch this movie a hundred times and the result will always be the same…me under a blanket, in the fetal position, sobbing uncontrollably. Guess that’s why my husband hid my DVD of the movie and refuses to tell me where it is.
If I Stay: This was another one where I’d already read the book, so why on earth did I cry? However, in this case, it wasn’t the story that brought me to tears. It was the scene in the hospital room where Mia’s grandfather tells her it’s ok if she needs to go. That moment completely slayed me. I’m still not over it.
P.S. I Love You: This movie…just…All. The. Feels. This is my go-to sob fest. I love everything about it. Hands down my favorite romance-that-will-tear-your-heart-out movie.

Jasmine Hodge, Marketing & Publicity Intern for Entangled TEEN:

PapermanThe Fault in Our Stars: Need I even explain? I never thought that I would cry in a packed theater on opening night, but my emotional preparation meant NOTHING by the end of the movie. It makes you laugh, it breaks your heart, and yet as you’re ugly crying and wiping your face with tissues, you still feel this weird sense of hope.

The Blue Umbrella and Paperman: I put these together because they are both Pixar shorts, and therefore, are only a combined 15 minutes long. These make me cry because of how sweet and beautiful they are. Nothing really sad about it, but the music and story always make me have all the feels. Bring on the tears, but not the depression.

Tuck Everlasting: I watched this movie when I was pretty young, and it made me cry like a baby. With hints of The Time Traveler’s Wife,  but set in the early 1900s and with teens instead of adults, I fell in love with the dreamy Jesse and the naive Winnie. It really explored childhood, destiny, and the joys and price of eternal youth. Guaranteed to make you weep, especially at the end.


Riki Cleveland, Publicist for Indulgence and Select Contemporary:

riki-150x150My Girl: I know I’m reaching pretty far back here (1991 if you’re playing along!), but this movie absolutely kills me every time I see it. I’m a sucker for coming of age films in general, and I fell in love with sweet little Vada Sultenfuss and adorable Thomas J. from the very start. They are just so darned adorable. So when (SPOILER ALERT) Thomas J. dies at the end, I was gutted. There are not enough tissues in the world for the death of a child on screen.
Up: Who’s crying during an animated film? Certainly not me! Okay, yes-me. I’m a sucker for an epic romance, and Carl and Ellie are certainly the epitome of love. I cannot even begin to imagine Carl’s pain in losing Ellie, and thankfully, this film gets that over with in the very beginning, so I have time to dry my tears and clean up my mascara as he goes on his epic adventure.
Steel Magnolias: Family drama. A wedding. Amazing Southern women. And the death of dear Shelby. When Sally Field breaks down in the cemetery, I’m a goner. Cue the ugly cry!

Ashley Blevins, Publicist for Ignite and Select Suspense: 

ashleyThe Notebook: Seriously the ultimate love story, and literally everything great about a relationship. I aspire to be Noah and Allie one day, bad parts and all.
Beaches: The ultimate best friends story. It’s always both sad and happy tears because they were such great friends until the end.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: My favorite character dies in this movie, and it’s so beyond sad that I’ve only seen it once and can never watch it again.

Becky Conrad-Brown, Publicist for Scandalous and Select Historical

beckyThe Secret Garden: This movie has mystical elements, an amazing soundtrack, and a beautiful ending, but I always cry when Colin’s father is dreaming of his lost sweetheart. Or when Colin and his father are reunited. Or when Mary thinks she’s no longer wanted. So I cry a lot.
The Little Princess: The movie ends on a happier note than the book. But when Sarah’s farther is trying to rescue men in the trenches of WWI, I bawl. Both this and The Secret Garden were based off books written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. If you haven’t read them yet that should be one of your New Year’s resolutions!
Wall-E: Pixar manages to make enjoyable movies that still tug at your heart, and Wall-E was no exception. When Wall-E is injured and loses his personality and memory his love EVE isn’t sure if he’s ever going to come back. Cue the waterworks!



And the winner – with 3 votes from various members of the Entangled Publishing team – is:

 The Notebook! The Notebook1


Did we select one of your fave “Classic Sads” or did your to be watched list just get a whole lot longer? Let us know in the comments below and/or create your own blog post or video to share your faves with us by tagging @EntangledTEEN and using the hashtags #GottaMovieCrush and #ClassicSads



About Not Okay, Cupid (High School Heartbreakers, #1):

Her wicked revenge, or his wicked heart…

Hazel McCallister loves her life. Perfect grades. Perfect best friend. Perfect boyfriend. Until her perfect boyfriend cheats on her with her perfect best friend. Now Hazel’s in free fall—until her best friend’s brother, Felix, gives her the perfect idea. Reclaim her power by taking revenge on her cheating ex.

Felix James loves his life. Casual relationships. Loads of surfing. He’s as drama-free as they come. But he can’t stand by when his sister steals her best friend’s boyfriend, and the dude insists it was Hazel’s fault. So Felix vows to help turn Hazel into a girl her ex can’t resist—so then she can break his heart.

With an alliance in place, Hazel’s revenge is all but assured. But with each piece of payback, she feels a stronger attraction to Felix, even though revenge will turn her into a girl Felix could never be with. And soon Hazel has to make an impossible choice: revenge…or Felix, the boy who’s stolen her heart.

WARNING! This book contains betrayal, revenge, and that most tempting vice of all, the bad boy you know you can’t have.

Want to read more? Buy Not Okay, Cupid (High School Heartbreakers, #1) now:

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