Secret Identities: Meg Kassel Talks Jem and the Halograms and Facing Your Fears! Throughout our teen specific lines, we have several books coming out in which characters have a secret identity, including Angie, who is a DJ named Sparo, and Reece, who is a harbinger of death, in Black Bird of the Gallows and…
Category: Meg Kassel

This past Saturday many of our Entangled Teen authors, including Victoria Scott, Erica Cameron, Tristina Wright, Meg Kassel, Diana Rodriguez Wallach, Lisa Brown Roberts, Amber Hart, Tonya Kuper, Lydia Kang, Kelley York, and Rowan Altwood, all participated in the second annual Barnes & Noble B-Fest. B-Fest happened at select Barnes…

Cursed: Meg Kassel Talks About Curses in Black Bird of the Gallows We have several books, including Meg Kessel‘s Black Bird of the Gallows, Kat Colmer‘s The Third Kiss, S.D. Grimm‘s Summoner, and Jaime Questell‘s By A Charm and A Curse about characters who are cursed in one way or another, so we’re doing a blog series about it.…

Don’t Miss the Excerpt Reveal from Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel, which releases on September 5, 2017! I’m seriously questioning the wisdom of coming here. Who is this boy? Who are these people? I may not want these answers. Whatever illusion I had been weaving about this being a normal family…