Capture The Fantasy: Atlantis Rising is $0.99 for a limited time!

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Capture The Fantasy this Winter with Entangled TEEN!

Over the next several months, Entangled TEEN has a bunch of brand new fantasy novels releasing on both our print and digital first lines, so we thought that the best way to celebrate these new books was to offer a series of exclusive eBook sales for a short period of time.

For the entire month of February, Atlantis Rising, the first book in the Atlantis Rising Series by Gloria Craw, is on sale for $0.99!

Want someone else’s opinion on the book and series? Here are some review quotes about Atlantis Rising to convince you that you ought to pick it up immediately:

“Atlantis serves as an exciting, fresh inspiration for this supernatural fantasy. On top of that, the mechanics of the dewing’s powers are quite intriguing. In general, the novel is tightly constructed, with each detail building to the novel’s roaring climax. Alison is enjoyably relatable as a self-deprecating but kindhearted heroine, and a romantic subplot dovetails nicely with the main action without overwhelming the story.” Kirkus Reviews

“The idea of the dewings is very interesting. The idea that people coming from Atlantis have mental powers which elevate them above the normal humans is fascinating and wonderful. This concept has a lot of power and I think this novel makes an excellent use of it. Alison is a very strong character and her power is very central to her character. She is talented and smart, and refreshingly honest.” Fresh Fiction

Atlantis Rising was a surprisingly enjoyable and fresh YA read! The characters were strong, complex, and well developed. Alison and Ian have great chemistry and this is one of the few reads in the YA genre where their relationship seems to take a natural progression. Insta-attraction, but not roll-your-eyes insta-love. Well done.

Gloria Craw rocked the world building and pacing as well. Would love to read more of this world and these characters. Definitely stands out from the crowd. Definitely recommend!” – Royalsocialmedia

Check out this excerpt to get a taste for Gloria Craw’s writing in Atlantis Rising:

Ian would be another complication. I’d know before Connor pointed him out that we had AP lit together. I’d stood in the registration line with him last week. He was blond, about my height, with a long, strung-out build that told me he was growing upward faster than outward. My younger brother was going through the same kind of growth thing. Ian’s eyes were an unusual color. From across the room, they appeared to be light blue. But up close, there were flecks of green, like the turquoise stone in a Navajo bracelet my mother owned.

Judging from the way he’d smiled at me, Ian remembered me from registration, too. And it didn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

“You will all be expected to read material in class when called on,” Mrs. Waters continued, “and you will be assigned two in-class presentations each quarter.”

More bad news. In-class presentations didn’t fit with my plan to stay invisible. Mrs. Waters picked up some Post-it notes from off her desk. “I have the names of five poets in my hand,” she continued. “You will each pick a slip of paper and partner with whoever gets the same poet as you.”

My stomach churned as I took my paper and unfolded it. “Lord Byron” was spelled out in dark print. Stomach problems stayed with me for the rest of class and got worse when everyone started searching for their presentation partners afterward. I overheard Connor’s exclamation of happiness when he found out he had Keats, the same as Nate Hopkins. Whether Nate was as delighted as Connor, I couldn’t tell. Ian’s cousin, Brandy, was standing close to Michael Larson, their eyes locked on the Post-it note in her hand. Evidently they were partners, too.

I repacked my things, trying to figure out how I was going to handle the situation. Nervous energy made me drop my class schedule, and it fluttered to the floor. Annoyed, I bent to get it and then started walking without looking up. It came as a complete surprise when I walked into a soft cotton shirt and the surprisingly strong chest beneath it.

Finally, physics class had taught me something I could reference. When two objects collide, the lighter one gets knocked farthest off course. I was the lighter object, and I felt myself careening off balance with no hope of correction.

My last thoughts were that my head was in line to collide with the edgy of the desk where Connor had been sitting, and that the chest responsible for the imminent pain belonged to Ian Palmer.

Atlantis Rising by Gloria Craw

About Atlantis Rising (Atlantis Rising, #1):

You’ll never see me unless I want you to…

I am different. I have always been different, but no one can know or my life will be in danger. So I hide in plain sight, wearing drab clothes and thick glasses and trying to be invisible. I’m so good at hiding, no one has ever noticed me. Until Ian…the mysterious and oh-so-cute boy I know I need to avoid.

Now I have been seen. And more terrifying still, I am wanted—by those who would protect me and those who would destroy everything and everyone I love. But if they’re all terrified about who I am, wait until they see what I can do…

Want to read more? Get a Copy of Atlantis Rising Today?:

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