Book Boyfriend March Madness Results!



We here at Entangled have had a blast with this March Madness tournament and we hope you all have had fun too!


We hope we were able to introduce you to some new book boyfriends and also add some new reads to your TBR pile!


And now without further ado…..


Youur March Madness Book Boyfriend Champion is……..


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Congratulations to the sexiest alien around!


If you have not yet met Daemon, what are you waiting for?!


The Lux Series:


Book #1: Obsidian – Amazon | B&N


Book #0.5 Shadows- Amazon | B&N


Book #2: Onyx- Amazon | B&N


Book #3: Opal- Amazon | B&N


Book #4- Origin- Amazon | B&N


Thank you again to all of the authors and readers that participated, voted, and helped out with this tournament!

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