Book Boyfriend March Madness: Championship Round


We are down to the last two boys of our tournament! Today Austin Michaels will face off against Daemon Black to determine which book boyfriend will win the championship!


First up we have sexy surfer Austin Michaels!






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“Baby, I just found you… you really think I’m gonna let her take you
away from me? We’ll figure something out, I promise you that.” … “I
don’t think you’re getting it. I told you I’m not letting them take you
away, so you better get used to this face. One way or another,
Alessandra, I’m yours until you get rid of me.”


I adore Austin. As much as I loved Lorenzo in My Super Sweet
Sixteenth Century but Austin is my man. I adore him so much. He is
arrogant and infuriating and damn right drop dead gorgeous. He is the
epitome of the bad boy and I loved him right from the very first moment
he came into the book. He is the guy that every girl will want to give
him a slap upside the head while wanting to throw themselves at him at
the same time
.”- Kayleigh (K- Books)


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Why vote for Austin Michaels?


1. He’s a bad boy on the outside, but inside beats a vulnerable heart.


2. He’s protective and will stand up to others to protect his girl.


3. He calls Aless ‘Princess’ AND treats her like one.


4. Will do ANYTHING to make sure nothing stands in their way of being together.


-by: Maliha Khan


And now for the sexiest alien around- Daemon Black!


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“Remind me,” he paused, drawing in a stuttered gasp, “to never piss you off again. Christ, are you secretly a ninja?”


“Daemon the hot and sexy boy next door, who would make any girl drool.
The guy who could have any girl he wants, could be anything he wants,
but wants nothing but safety for his family and his people. Daemon who
doesn’t trust lightly, but has a softer side, a side he doesn’t show
often; but when he does it takes your breath away.”- Danielle


Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.” -Obsidian, Jennifer L. Armentrout


Why vote for Daemon Black?


1. He has a big weakness and it starts with a K.


2. He once rode one of those Hoverounds through Walmart and got it stuck in the checkout lane.


3. Despite initially coming across as an arrogant jerk, Daemon is actually quite sweet, funny, and selfless.


4. He’s willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves.


-Paraphrased from Erin Westerlund and  A Life Bound By Books blog


Choose your Book Boyfriend Champion! free polls 

Ok everyone! You have quite the decision to make! Will it be Austin or Daemon that gets your vote? We’ll announce the winner here tomorrow morning!

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