Teaser Tuesday: Red by Alyxandra Harvey

Teaser Tuesday

Did you miss Red by Alyxandra Harvey?  Take a peek inside!

I’d forgotten why we were actually there until the gate creaked open beside us. Ethan ended the kiss leisurely, as if we’d been doing nothing all afternoon but this. He turned his head to look at the security guard, but his hands were still caging me against the stone, his body was still shielding me. “What?” he asked lazily.

The guard cleared his throat. “Trouble in the woods, sir. Best to stay here.”

Ethan smiled, and it was all insolence and satiation. “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.” He leaned down and kissed me slowly, teasingly.

The guard cleared his throat again, hiding a grin. When we were alone, Ethan straightened abruptly. “He’s gone,” he said, stalking away.

I stared at him, lips tingling. He kept walking. Even though my body was sighing, my brain went straight into name-calling. Bastard. You didn’t just kiss a girl like that and then leave. Asshat.

Red by Alyxandra Harvey

About Red:

Bad girls burn hot…

Red is the color of Kia Alcott’s hair.
It’s her temper, which blazes hot and always gets Kia into way too much trouble.
And it’s the color of fire. Fires that Kia can start…just by thinking about them.

When her latest “episode” gets her kicked out of school, Kia is shipped off to her grandmother, who works for the wealthy Blackwoods. It’s an estate shrouded in secrets, surrounded by rules, and presided over by a family that is far from normal…including the gorgeous and insolent Ethan Blackwood.

Ethan knows far more about the dangers of the forest surrounding the estate than Kia can ever imagine. For this forest has teeth, and Ethan is charged with protecting the outside world from its vicious mysteries.

But inside, even the most vibrant shade of red doesn’t stand a chance against the dark secrets of the Blackwood family…

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