Swoon Sunday with Josh Evans from Saving It by NYT Bestselling Author, Monica Murphy!

Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes.  Today we have a visit from Josh Evans from Saving It by NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Monica Murphy!

Josh, why don’t you describe yourself to us.

I’m around six foot tall, I have light brown hair and blue eyes.

What’s your profession?

Ha, I’m a professional student—I’m a senior in high school.

Where do you call home?

I live in a tiny town on the central California coast that no one has ever really heard of it yet every tourist known to man seems to visit. In the summer, we’re overrun by tourists. Drives my mom nuts.

Do you have a special skill?

I’m pretty good at basketball and I know how to make people laugh.

What’s your biggest regret?

That I didn’t make a move on Eden sooner? She’s been my best friend since eighth grade, yet I never really noticed before just how freaking great she is. And pretty. And she smells good. And I like the way she feels in my arms when I hug her. She’s all little and I can rest my chin on top of her head and…

I’m getting off topic. Sorry.

What’s your darkest secret?

That I’m a hardcore fan of The Bachelor – it’s embarrassing how much I look forward to watching that show.

Boxers or briefs?

What kind of question is that? Both. Ha.

Froot Loops or Lucky Charms (or both)?

Lucky Charms. I like the marshmallows.

Early bird or night owl?

Night owl.

Chunky peanut butter or smooth?

Smooth like me. (Joking. I’m joking.)

Liked this interview with Josh? Then check out a swoony moment between him and Eden:

I head for the living room, and Josh falls into step directly behind me, so close I can feel the warmth from his body, the light scent of his woodsy cologne. I go sit on the couch, and he joins me, sitting right next to me when usually he’s kicked back in my dad’s recliner on late nights when we do this sort of thing and my parents are already in bed.

I keep my gaze xed on the TV as I lean forward to grab the remote and start searching the guide for something to watch. Josh is so close our thighs are pressed together, and I glance over my shoulder to nd him already studying me. “Anything in particular you want to watch?”

“No.” He reaches for my hand. “Come here.”

I let him take it. He removes the remote and sets it somewhere else, I don’t know where and I don’t really care. The TV is stuck on some lame channel with an infomercial playing, the volume turned down so low I can’t even hear what they’re saying. The Christmas tree glows with multicolored lights that gently ash, illuminating the room, and when I stare up at Josh, the lights cast shadows across his handsome face.

He slides his fingers through mine, our palms pressed together, and I swallow hard when he squeezes my fingers. Our linked hands feel so good together, so right. My heart starts to thump extra hard. “Eden.”

All he says is my name, and I want to say something back, but it’s like I can’t speak.

“Edes.” Josh smiles, and he looks so nervous. So incredibly nervous and adorable, too. “I want to tell you something.”

I swallow again, my throat dry, my thoughts going haywire. I want to hear what he has to say, but I’m also scared. This is a huge moment that could change everything. Either make our relationship great or ruin it completely. “Wh-what is it?”

With his free hand he touches my face, drifts the back of his hand across my cheek. Tingles spread across my skin, and I feel like I can’t breathe. “When I was at Whitney’s, all I could think about was you.”

About Saving It:

Eden: Josh Evans and I have been best friends forever. He knows all my secrets, and I know all of his. So when he randomly asks me to help him lose his virginity, I sort of flip out. That’s a question that sends your mind to places you’ve seriously never considered before. Like, you know. Having sex. With your best friend. Except Josh doesn’t want to have sex with me—he wants me to help him find a girl. A nice girl who’s funny and smart and cute. Except he already knows a girl just like that…

Josh: Eden Sumner is my best friend. So of course she’d be the person to help me find my perfect match, so I can drop my V card before I head off to college. Except the more we search, the more I realize that maybe the right girl has been by my side all along. I don’t need Eden’s help in finding me a girl to love. I’m pretty sure I’m already in love with Eden. But now she thinks I’m only after one thing…with anyone but her.

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book is what happens when American Pie meets Friends with Benefits. It contains two best friends, plenty of angst, and lots and lots of sex talk. Reading this might have you looking at your best friend in a different light!

Want to read more? Pre-order Saving It by NYT and USA Today bestselling author, Monica Murphy today!


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About Monica Murphy:

Monica Murphy is the New York Times, USA Today and #1 international bestselling author of new adult, young adult and contemporary romance. Her books have been translated in almost a dozen languages and has sold over one million copies worldwide. She is a both a traditionally published author as well as an independently published author. She’s also known as USA Today bestselling romance author Karen Erickson.

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