Welcome to Swoon Sunday where you get to meet some of our swoon-worthy heroes. Today we have a visit from Gordon Meyers from Love Between Enemies by Molly E. Lee!
Gordon, what’s your profession?
I’m a full-time student but I also help out at my dad’s awesome burger restaurant. I also love volunteering whenever I get a chance, especially at the Children’s Hospital.
Do you have a special skill?
I make the absolute best vanilla cinnamon pancakes on the planet (just don’t tell my dad I make them better than him)!
What is your biggest dream/wish/desire?
For the restaurant my dad and mom started to thrive until he retires. It stands as a living memory to my mother, and I never want him to lose that. Also, graduating from Stanford with my economics degree is right after that on the list!
What’s your biggest regret?
My graduation introductory speech. I think about it? And I just…cringe. In the moment, I snapped, and took out a personal problem on someone who didn’t deserve it. I’d take it back if I could.
What’s your favourite dessert/food?
There is nothing better than the classic chocolate milkshake and French fries fresh out of the fryer!
Describe your idea of an ideal date.
The perfect date for me would be grabbing a nice dinner before heading out to do some volunteering at my favorite hospital. Making kids laugh or offering them some entertainment for a few hours when they need it is one of the most rewarding things ever. Afterward, we’d hit up a bookstore to scan the new titles. Then, I’d open up my dad’s restaurant to make her her favorite dessert.
Describe the craziest thing you have done.
Playing True American at Lennon’s grad party was pretty crazy for me! I still don’t fully grasp the rules of that game.
Who is your idol?
My Dad. He’s never given up. He’s had every reason in the world to fold, and he never has.
Early bird or night owl?
Early bird! Studying is easier with a fresh cup of coffee! Plus, waffles.
Liked this interview with Gordon? Then check out a swoony moment between him and Zoey from her POV:
I’d always thought he was a cute boy—one who liked to get in my way most of my life—but it wasn’t until our sophomore year that I really paid attention to the sharp angles of his face. Or the way his eyes were the exact shade of brown as a melted chocolate bar, the gooey kind that spilled over a freshly assembled s’more and warmed every inch of your insides.
About Love Between Enemies (Grad Night, #2):
Zoey Handler is ready to put an end to her decade-long rivalry with Gordon Meyers. They’ve traded top spot between valedictorian and salutatorian for years, but all that’s over now. Right? But after a crazy graduation speech prank gets out of hand, suddenly their rivalry turns into all-out war. Time to make peace with a little friendly payback.
Step one? Make him believe they’re now friends.
Step two? Show him the time of his life at an epic graduation party.
Step three? Don’t fall for his tricks.
Step four? Absolutely, positively, do not kiss him again.
So what if he’s cute? (Okay, hot.) So what if he’s charming? (Heaven help her, tempting.) So what if he apologizes? (That has to be fake.) She knows the real Gordon. And no matter how much her heart begs her to stop, there’s no turning back.
Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains one epic party, complete with every high-schoolers-gone-bad shenanigan, and two rivals who discover maybe they could be something much more…if only they’d stop fighting long enough to notice it.
Want to read more? Purchase Love Between Enemies (Grad Night, #2) by Molly E. Lee today!
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