Secret Identities: S.D. Grimm Shares All the Secret Identities She’d Take On…If Only She Could

Secret Identities: S.D. Grimm Shares All the Secret Identities She’d Take On…If Only She Could

Throughout our teen specific lines, we have several books coming out in which characters have a secret identity, including Angie, who is a DJ named Sparo, and Reece, who is a harbinger of death, in Black Bird of the Gallows and Blake, who is the son of Thor in Brenda Drake’s Thunderstruck. With these books in mind, we thought several of our authors would have fun sharing all sorts of posts about secret identities.

Whether you want to know what an author’s fave secret identity is, what secret identity they wish they could claim as their own, something about the secret identities of their characters, or anything else under the secret identity umbrella, you’ll find some fun content in this blog series.

And now, here’s S.D. Grimm, the author of Summoner:

Oh! I wish I had a secret identity! I want to be a ninja when I grow up. And a writer, I still always want to be a writer. But I really want to be able to stand up like Captain America and put my fists back up in the air and tell the bullies to back the heck off, because I could do this all day.

And the fact that I train MMA would surprise everyone who tried to pick on any of my peeps because I’m 4’11”. But, yeah, I love the superheroes like Cap and Wonder Woman and Spidey and Rurouni Kenshin and Nightwing because they stand up for the little guy and protect the innocent.

I would totally take that on as a side job.

About Summoner:

When Allie’s best friend dares their group to play a game in a cemetery—something she calls “witching”—Allie never expects what it might mean for her. When she plays, she doesn’t just find bodies, she summons their souls. But one soul wants more than Allie is willing to give.

And the boy next door could be the key to saving her.

Cody Burkhart. Straight from Montana, cowboy hat wearing, and smoking hot, he’s just the thing to help Allie become “normal” again after the death of her mother. And as her newly appointed Guardian, he’s also just the thing to help Allie ward off the vengeful spirit who’s after her soul. Except Cody has his own demons to slay that keep him closed off. But as the full moon approaches, so does their only chance to break the curse, and Cody will have to make the biggest sacrifice of all.

Want to read more? Get your copy of Summoner by S.D. Grimm today!


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About S.D. Grimm:

S. D. Grimm’s first love in writing is young adult fantasy and science fiction. She is represented by Julie Gwinn of the Seymour Agency and author of SCARLET MOON. She currently has four books under contract, including the remainder of her YA fantasy series Children of the Blood Moon. When she’s not writing or editing, Sarah enjoys reading (of course!), practicing kickboxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu, training dogs, and binge-watching shows with great characters. Her office is anywhere she can curl up with her laptop and at least one large-sized dog. You can learn more about her upcoming novels at

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