Pickup Lines: Kat Colmer Shares A Pickup Line Experience

Kat Colmer Shares A Pickup Line Experience

In Project Pandora by Aden Polydoros and Omega by Jus Accardo, some of the characters either try out or have an indepth discussion about pickup lines within the pages of these YA Thriller and Sci-Fi novels. While not indicative of the tone of the rest of the books, this funny, lighthearted moment was something that we couldn’t stop thinking about, so we give you the NEW Pickup Lines blog series where authors, Entangled staff, and maybe YOU share some of the best / worst / cheesiest pickup lines they’ve ever heard, received, or….dum dum dum…said to someone else.

Kat Colmer, author of The Third Kiss (Love’s Mortal Coil, #1):

In my non-writer life, I’m a high school librarian, and the cheesiest pickup line I’ve ever heard was at a librarian conference. Thankfully, this stinker wasn’t used on me, but I had the misfortune of overhearing it. Picture a lunch hall full of librarians after a morning of lectures on the joys of cataloguing. One unsuspecting woman goes to take a plate from the server behind the food counter, and he says…wait for it… “You must be a book, because I’m checking you out.”The worst part? She ended up having coffee with him later!

About The Third Kiss (Love’s Mortal Coil, #1):

Love curses don’t exist. At least that’s what Jonas, master of the meaningless hookup, tells himself when a letter warns him he’s an Eros Guardian cursed to endure a test of true love or forever be alone. His levelheaded longtime friend Cora figures it’s a revenge prank by an ex. The way Jonas stamps each girlfriend with a weeklong use-by date, it serves him right.

But when an impulsive kiss between the two friends reveals potential for more, Cora becomes the target of the Groth Maar: demons sent to wipe out the Eros Guardian line. And suddenly the curse becomes dangerously real.

Breaking the curse means Jonas’s biggest challenge yet. Failure guarantees Cora’s death. But success may cost him his own life…and the loss of his carefully guarded heart to the one girl far too sensible to fall for him.

Want to read more? Purchase your copy of The Third Kiss (Love’s Mortal Coil, #1) by Kat Colmer today!

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