Cover Reveal: War of Storms by Erica Cameron

The Ryogan Chronicles concludes on November 5, 2018 with the edge of your seat read, War of Storms by Erica Cameron. If you love fantasy YA series that are full with diverse characters, romance and adventure you need to read this series!

Coming November 5, 2018!

The immortal mages have risen, and they’re out for blood.

Khya arrived at the Ryogan coast too late to stop the invasion. Now, cities are falling before the unrelenting march of an enemy army, and Khya’s squad is desperately trying to stay ahead of them. Warning the Ryogans, though, means leaving her brother imprisoned even longer. Time is running out for everyone.

But how can her squad of ten stand against an army of ten thousand?

Calling in help from every ally she’s made in Ryogo, Khya tries to build a plan that won’t require sacrificing her friends or her brother. It’s a tough balance to find, especially when the leadership role she thought she wanted sits heavy on her shoulders, and her relationship with Tessen is beginning to crack under the strain.

The end is coming, and there’s no way to know who’ll be left standing when it hits.

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And don’t miss the first two books in the series…

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