Teaser Tuesday: Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen

Teaser Tuesday

Ready for this week’s teaser?  Take a peek inside Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen set to release April 28, 2015

“Don’t worry,” Amber whispered in my ear. “I’m not going to tell anyone about your texts. I only brought it up because I think you should be careful. I’m your friend, so I have to look out for you.”

She paused outside the door, and I turned to face her. “Why do I have to be careful?”

“Aw, sweetie.” She patted my arm. “We can’t have people finding out that Little Miss Perfect is really a huge-ass bitch. What would happen to your pristine reputation then?”

Before I could respond, she snatched Payton’s wrist and dragged her inside the classroom, leaving me alone in the hall.

What would happen then?

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Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen

About Life Unaware:

Regan Flay has been talking about you. 

Regan Flay is on the cusp of achieving her control-freak mother’s “plan” for high school success―cheerleading, student council, the Honor Society—until her life gets turned horribly, horribly upside down. Every bitchy text. Every bitchy email. Every lie, manipulation, and insult she’s ever said have been printed out and taped to all the lockers in school.

Now Regan has gone from popular princess to total pariah.

The only person who even speaks to her is her former best friend’s hot but socially miscreant brother, Nolan Letner. Nolan thinks he knows what Regan’s going through, but what nobody knows is that Regan isn’t really Little Miss Perfect. In fact, she’s barely holding it together under her mom’s pressure. But the consequences of Regan’s fall from grace are only just beginning. Once the chain reaction starts, no one will remain untouched…

Especially Regan Flay.

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