Tag: Austin NextGen Academy

Dahlia’s Basic Info: Name: Dahlia Greene Student ID: 100 700 423 Class: Senior Home Town: Everywhere and nowhere. What Dahlia Looks Like: Height: Tiny, tiny, tiny Hair: Short brown pixie cut hair Eyes: Dark blue eyes Other Distinguishing Features: Pale jeans, flannel shirts. Total hipster vibe. Dahlia’s Artwork: In real life, Dahlia is actually a popstar, but at Austin NextGen, she’s…

Keegan’s Basic Info: Name: Keegan Matthews Student ID: 100 499 504 Class: Senior Home Town: Austin, TX What Keegan Looks Like: Height: Not sure, but definitely on the tall side Hair: Shaggy blonde hair Eyes: Green Other Distinguishing Features: Lean, usually can be found wearing ripped jeans, band t-shirts following the Austin hipster vibe Keegan’s Artwork: He’s a talented wood…

Finn’s Basic Info: Name: Finn McCain Student ID: 100 237 703 Class: Senior Home Town: Everywhere and nowhere. What Finn Looks Like: Height: 5’11” Hair: Dirty blond hair Eyes: Gray Other Distinguishing Features: Lean, but not scrawny Finn’s Artwork: Rich kid, and all around pain in Willa’s ass. That’s an art form, right? Willa Schofer Interviews Finn McCain Willa Schofer: Okay, so I’ve got…