Cursed: Melissa Eastlake Talks About Weaving Together A Curse Mythology In The Uncrossing
We have several books, including Meg Kessel’s Black Bird of the Gallows, Kat Colmer’s The Third Kiss, S.D. Grimm’s Summoner, and Jaime Questell’s By A Charm and A Curse about characters who are cursed in one way or another, so we’re doing a blog series about it. We asked our authors to share either how they came up with the curse mythology for their books, whether they’ve ever felt cursed either metaphorically or in a real way, what curse – if any – they could imagine placing on someone or some other character in the future, or who their fave characters in books, tv, or movies who have been cursed.
And now here’s Melissa Eastlake, the author of The Uncrossing:
To create the curse mythology of The Uncrossing, I wove a few different folk magic traditions together, imagining a system of magic that would make them all work in tandem while also exploring some of their differences. Luke can break any curse. In his family’s traditions, it’s called uncrossing, and he works with incense, herbs, and fire. As the story unfolds, though, he encounters curses built from other traditions—including a fairy-tale magic he believes ought to be impossible. Layering these different curses together gave me the opportunity to explore different kinds of power, who has it and doesn’t, and what happens when we use our familiar skills to tackle a bigger, more complicated problem.
About The Uncrossing:
Luke can uncross almost any curse—they unravel themselves for him like no one else. So working for the Kovrovs, one of the families controlling all the magic in New York, is exciting and dangerous, especially when he encounters the first curse he can’t break. And it involves Jeremy, the beloved, sheltered prince of the Kovrov family—the one boy he absolutely shouldn’t be falling for.
Jeremy’s been in love with cocky, talented Luke since they were kids. But from their first kiss, something’s missing. Jeremy’s family keeps generations of deadly secrets, forcing him to choose between love and loyalty. As Luke fights to break the curse, a magical, citywide war starts crackling, and it’s tied to Jeremy.
This might be the one curse Luke can’t uncross. If true love’s kiss fails, what’s left for him and Jeremy?
Want to read more? Get your copy of The Uncrossing by Melissa Eastlake today!
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