Teaser Tuesday: Lost Girls by Merrie Destefano

Teaser Tuesday

Don’t miss today’s Teaser Tuesday from Lost Girls by Merrie Destefano, which releases on Tuesday, January 3, 2017!

I flashed on the two of us riding a Harley through night streets, my arms wrapped around his waist, me leaning against him, his heat warming me, the world flying past, a blur of colors and shapes that didn’t matter. It was a memory—one of my first—and I gasped, low and soft, air flowing over my lips like I’d just woken up from a long nap, like an enchantment was lifting.


About Lost Girls:

Yesterday, Rachel went to sleep listening to Taylor Swift, curled up in her grammy’s quilt, worrying about geometry. Today, she woke up in a ditch, bloodied, bruised, and missing a year of her life.

She doesn’t recognize the person she’s become: She’s popular. She wears nothing but black.

Black to cover the blood.

And she can fight.

Tell no one.

She’s not the only girl to go missing within the last year…but she’s the only girl to come back. She desperately wants to unravel what happened to her, to try and recover the rest of the Lost Girls.

But the more she discovers, the more her memories return. And as much as her new life scares her, it calls to her. Seductively. The good girl gone bad: sex, drugs, and raves, and something darker…something she still craves. The rush of the fight, the thrill of the win—something she can’t resist, that might still get her killed…

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy of Lost Girls today!


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