Book Shelfie with Lydia Kang

We’re excited to have Lydia Kang with us today sharing something we all know and love. Our beloved bookshelves!
Hi there! I’m sharing a glimpse of my bookshelves today. Well, not exactly bookshelves. There are books involved, though!
So after we got our new puppy Piper, we were paranoid she would constantly pee on the rug in this room so we built a book barrier to keep her out. She is now toilet trained but we kept the book wall. There’s a combination of YA books from many great authors of color, plus some random Obama memoirs, Star Wars encyclopedias, and science nonfiction books. (Also note the Russ and Daughter’s Cookbook. I miss NYC food!)
This is another non-book shelf shelfie but I’m so proud of it! It’s my book closet. I have all my author copies, swag, mailing stuff, book totes, and posters from past author events. I spent a month organizing and making this happen and it was worth the space and work.
And here are some of my lovelies. Seven books written, and many more to come hopefully!
I think we all need a book closet. What do you think? Be sure to pick up Toxic by Lydia Kang to add to your shelf, book closet, ever growing stacks…

Hana isn’t supposed to exist. She’s grown up hidden by her mother in a secret room of the bioship Cyclo until the day her mother is simply gone—along with the entire crew. Cyclo tells her she was abandoned, but she’s certain her mother wouldn’t leave her there to die. And Hana isn’t ready to die yet. She’s never really had a chance to live.

Fenn is supposed to die. He and a crew of hired mercenaries are there to monitor Cyclo as she expires, and the payment for the suicide mission will mean Fenn’s sister is able to live. But when he meets Hana, he’s not sure how to save them both.

As Cyclo grows sicker by the day, they unearth more secrets about the ship and the crew. But the more time they spend together, the more Hana and Fenn realize that falling for each other is what could ultimately kill them both.

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