
Entangled Teen (simultaneous print and e-distribution) and Entangled digiTeen (digital first distribution), our young adult imprints, publish the swoonworthy young adult romances readers crave. Whether they’re dark and angsty or fun and sassy, contemporary, fantastical, or futuristic, Teen and digiTeen have exactly what teen (and teen at heart!) readers want. We are seeking fresh voices with interesting twists on popular genres.

We are seeking novels in the following subgenres of romantic fiction for the Entangled Teen print and Entangled digiTeen digital-first lines:

  • Contemporary
  • Upper YA (16-19 year old protags) that will appeal to crossover audiences
  • Younger YA/MG (13-15 year old protags) that will appeal to crossover audiences
  • Historical
  • Romantic Thrillers
  • Science Fiction
  • Paranormal and Urban Fantasy
  • Fantasy


  • All submissions must have strong romantic elements.
  • YA novels should be 50k to 100k words in length.
  • We are not an erotic romance publisher, however we consider all heat levels, so long as the erotic elements are secondary the story.
  • Revised backlist titles will be considered on a case by case basis.
  • We accept both agented and unagented submissions, though agented submissions receive first priority in the slush pile.

To submit a YA manuscript for consideration, please use the following link:

Submit to Entangled Teen